Weekly Picks: Singapore February March 2018

Weekly Picks: Singapore (26 February – 4 March 2018)

Ama-Lia by Teater Kami, 1 – 3 Mar, Goodman Arts Centre

Teater Kami continues its practice using theatre as a tool for education and social and cultural awareness with this performance written and directed by Keatar HM. Performed in Malay, this semi-musical tale of two girls, Ama and Lia, and the toy shop run by their aunt Mak Su, is fun for the whole family. Children are encouraged to bring their toys to the performance and present them in a show-and-tell segment before the performance starts. More information on the Facebook event page.

Cut Kafka! 《 咔嚓卡夫卡!》by T.H.E Dance Company x Nine Years Theatre, Huayi Chinese Festival of Arts, Esplanade Theatre Studio, 1 – 4 Mar

Two big names in Singapore dance and theatre come together to “resurrect” that prominent pioneer of literary surrealism, Franz Kafka, whose work is known for its dreamlike quality, poignant portrayals of human alienation, and the absurdity of bureaucracy. How will Kafka’s writings play out when translated into physical performance that sits at the intersection between theatre and dance? Find out more at the Esplanade, where the show will take place as part of Huayi Chinese Festival of Arts.

Exhibition (de)Tour with artist Robert Zhao Renhui at NTU Centre for Contemporary Art, 2 Mar, 7:30pm

Robert Zhao Renhui, founder of The Institute of Critical Zoologists, weaves scientific observation and artistic speculation in order to address the fraught relationship between humans and the natural environment. He will discuss the scope of his two-year long investigation as well as the research process and methodological approach developed as he ventured into the fractured ecosystem of Christmas Island. For more information on this project, visit NTU Centre for Contemporary Arts.

Session #5: Nina Djekić + Ana Sophie Salazar at Peninsular, 1 – 11 Mar, Playfair Road

What artistic possibilities can arise when a choreographer (Nina Djekić) and a curator (Ana Sophie Salazar) work together with no brief, theme or preliminary text to begin with? That’s a question that will always have a different answer as it is explored over the duration of the exhibition. Peninsular is an artist studio with a dedicated experimental platform for such creative exchanges. Sessions is a series of artist presentations at Peninsular, where each session puts together artists, writers and/or curators with no proceeding title or text. Opening reception on Thursday 1 March 6pm. Find out more information on Facebook.


Weekly Picks: Singapore February March 2018

Mapping Cultures in Communities by ArtsWok Collaborative, various timings beginning 5 Mar

Presented by community arts group ArtsWok Collaborative, in collaboration with Dakota Adventures/Cassia Resettlement Team, this series of workshops, taking place at various timings in March, April and May, is facilitated by veteran community and cultural researcher and practitioner Janet Pillai. Participants will learn how to conduct cultural mapping within communities, and analyse data to inform better programme and policy design. The learning will be grounded in an application in Cassia Crescent, where participants will be involved in framing a mapping exercise, developing tools for mapping as well as implementing this plan in collaboration with ground-up initiative Cassia Resettlement Team. Insights that emerge from the community mapping will be incorporated into a live project that will be implemented after the workshops. More information may be found here.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events[at]artsequator.com.

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