Govt urged to help KLPac avoid shutdown [Malaysia]

“PKR communications director Fahmi Fadzil has bemoaned the lack of funding support for the arts, saying the impending closure of the Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPac) is a result of it.

Fahmi, who used to be active in theatre, said the situation should be a wake-up call for the government to show that it recognised the importance of culture and the arts and that they were in dire straits.

He said KLPac had helped develop the arts industry in the country and should be given sufficient funding.

“It will be a total loss to Malaysians if KLPac is shut,” he told FMT.

“The relevant authorities should take the opportunity to help out as a sign of support and appreciation for KLPac’s role in promoting the development of the arts.”


Read more of Nurual Azwa Aris’s report on Free Malaysia Today.

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