ART JOG 2017 | Fresh Paradigms [Indonesia]

“As I step into the Jogja National Museum – ready to absorb the pieces on display, to analyze cultural and aesthetic values, maybe freshen up my Instagram feed – I’m greeted by a number of giant, psychedelic-looking eyeballs resting suspiciously in still pools. A grotesquely adorable eyeball-tree looms over me on three legs. I must be in the right place.

This is ART|JOG, a standout event on the the calendar for Yogyakarta, Indonesia (in local lingo, Jogja). Growing up in this town, I remember ART|JOG as an event we simply had to visit to validate our “Jogja-ness.” It’s one of those things Jogjakartans brag about (besides, of course, gudeg, the Kraton, and ayam geprek). Having launched in 2008 as part of the Yogyakarta Art Festival, ART|JOG split off and became independent in 2009. Now the festival – one of the biggest art fairs in the region – is celebrating its tenth year with the curatorial theme, “Changing Perspective: The Challenge of the Artist.” Having opened on May 19th, the fair continues through June 19th and showcases exhibitions, commissioned works, a Young Artist Award, a curatorial tour, discussions with the artists, and performances exclusive to the festival. …”

Dea Karina shares her impressions of ART|JOG10, the annual art fair in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Read her full review on Globetrotter.


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