20 – 26 November 2017: Singapore

BOOM! by Jean Tay, presented by The Callbacks, Drama Centre Theatre, 24 Nov 8pm

The Callbacks once again presents a night of truth, humour and sentiment with their take on ‘Boom’ by Jean Tay. Centred on the struggle between a mother and son who are divided about their HDB property going en bloc, the play will take you on a roller coaster ride of emotions. Throw in relentless civil servants, property agents, the supernatural and you are in for a very eventful evening.

More information.

Film screening and discussion – Anatomy of Violence, at INSEAD University Singapore, 25 Nov 6pm
This International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, join the Singapore Committee for UN Women in bringing the voices of survivors from the margins to the mainstream, understanding the societal attitudes that contribute to inequality and pledging to never condone violence against women.

Anatomy of Violence is a Canadian drama film which premiered at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival. Directed by Toronto-based filmmaker Deepa Mehta, the film explores the root causes leading up to the 2012 Delhi gang rape incident, including the rigidity of India’s caste system, poverty and social values that breed and support misogyny.

More information.

K A L E I D O S C O P E / One night Exhibition by Jau Goh & Elodie Chandernagor, The Riverwalk Apartments, 25 Nov 5pm

A tool to see the world in a different manner, a kaleidoscope creates new possibilities with given shapes and colours. In a very poetic manner, fragments of given realities are taken away from their world, reflected and refracted onto the kaleidoscope, creating a new world, a world only made of unusual forms and magical colours.

With Kaleidoscope, Jau Goh and Elodie Chandernagor invite us to be part of this unexpected world, the result of the collision of different colours and horizons.

While Jau focuses on nature and harmony, creating minimalist pictures of geometrical forms, Elodie questions the inner stories of our minds and writes ongoing and never-ending stories about them.

Outside and inside, calm and stormy, nature and mind, let Jau and Elodie guide you around this other world, small island of colours and shapes. Kaleidoscope of different horizons, encounter of several possibilities, the exhibition will take you on an unexpected journey, creating a world of its own.

More information.

Public Art Walking Tours, by Public Art Trust, various locations, 26 Nov 9:30am

Have you ever come across a sculpture or artwork in the middle of the city and wondered what the work is about or who the artist is?

As part of its mission to promote visual literacy and champion exciting new public artworks, the Public Art Trust is organising a series of free guided public art walking tours that will take participants through the Civic District and Central Business District to explore some of the prominent public artworks installed across the city.

Join us for a morning of public art in the city and learn about the story behind these public artworks — who made them and why? Visit featured artworks by international household names like Anish Kapoor and Olafur Eliasson to our own stellar Cultural Medallion award winners like Han Sai Por and Chong Fah Cheong.

Choose from three trails to explore:

1) Art in the Civic District: The Must-see Public Art Downtown (approx. 60min)

2) Form, Shape, Colour & Line: Abstraction in Public Art (approx. 60min)

3) Made in Singapore: Public Art by Singapore Artists (approx. 60min)

All tours are free and are guided by ACT3 International.

More information.

The Vault: My Grandfather’s Road 我阿公的路, Centre 42, 23 – 24 Nov, various timings

THE VAULT safe-keeps and remembers Singapore works dating back to our early theatre years, refreshes them through the responses of artists and collaborators, and retells them in a contemporary manner.

My Grandfather’s Road was first presented in 2015 as an English- language monologue, a photo exhibition and a book. It was conceived and written by Neo Kim Seng as a way of reconnecting with childhood memories of living on Neo Pee Teck Lane, which was named after his paternal grandfather. In 2017, Kim Seng revisits the text of My Grandfather’s Road, refreshing it in the spoken language of his childhood – Cantonese. He also explores the Cantonese as spoken on both sides of the Causeway. There will be two versions of The Vault: My Grandfather’s Road – one in Singaporean Cantonese performed by Gary Tang, and one in Malaysian Cantonese performed by Tan Cher Kian. Both versions will be presented with English surtitles.


More information.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events[at]artsequator.com.

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