13 – 19 March 2017: Singapore


The Vault: Becoming Mother, 19 Mar, 4pm, Centre 42

Dance practitioners and researchers Dr. Nidya Shanthini Manokara and Jocelyn Chng investigate motherhood in its various manifestations – from creating life to producing creative work. Grounded in their dance practices of bharatanatyam and ballet respectively, Shanthini and Jocelyn respond to themes of creation and creativity in the dramatic writings of playwrights Verena Tay, Ovidia Yu and Chong Tze Chien.

The presentation is in two parts: an exhibition and a devised performance. Join Shanthini and Jocelyn on a journey of artmaking and babymaking in this final instalment of The Vault series exploring dance and play-text. More information.


co:lab | film x dance, library@esplanade, 18 Mar, 5pm

co:lab, the library@esplanade’s new Signature series co-organized with the Asian Film Archive, is an experimental platform where cross-disciplinary encounters between Film and Performing Arts can occur. The final session of the series explores the relationship between dance and film. Dance artists Chan Sze-Wei and Lee Mun Wai will respond to their selected films from the Asian Film Archive with an original performance, whilst choreographer and filmmaker Elysa Wendi will screen and discuss a number of her works, starting the conversation on the potentialities of dance and film. More information.


Talk: Choral Music in Indonesia, 16 Mar, 7pm, library@esplanade

Hosted by Kodaly Academy of Music – Singapore, this talk on choral music in Indonesia is conducted by Mr Tommyanto Kandisaputra, founder of Studio Cantorum Bandung Choir & Orchestra, arguably one of Indonesia’s most prolific choral directors and a highly sought after adjudicator. Learn about the diversity of choral music in Southeast Asia as Pak Tommy introduces the choral music scene in Indonesia and shares with us some notable Indonesian choral pieces. More information.


The Journey of An Artist: Singapore Theatre, 18 Mar, 5pm, NUS Museum

How do theatre makers start out? How do they evolve their unique voice? What kinds of challenges do they face and how can they surmount them? Two respected theatre practitioners, Mr Huzir Sulaiman and Ms Edith Podesta, share their personal journeys as artists and their thoughts about the future for young theatre makers in Singapore. More information.


Breaking Barriers For Women in Film and Animation, 15 Mar, 6:30pm, JustCo @ 120 Robinson Road

Dive into the glamorous life of movie making with women who have made and broken the boundaries in film and animation. With the ladies from VSS, LASALLE, One Animation, we will dive into documentary filmmaking, starting a production house, creating an animated film, making animation, organising film festivals, and education in the film and animation industry. More information.



The Making of an Institution — Reason to Exist: The Director’s Review (Talk by Farah Wardani), NTU Centre for Contemporary Art, 15 Mar, 7:30pm

The latest talk in NTU CCA’s “The Making of an Institution” public programme is conducted by Farah Wardani, Assistant Director of the Resource Centre at National Gallery Singapore and former Director of the Indonesian Visual Art Archive in Yogyakarta. In this talk, Wardani will expand on her engagement with the archive and its crucial role for art institutions today. More information.

Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events@artsequator.com.


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