Weekly Picks: Singapore (25 February – 3 March 2019)

Still Life by Checkpoint Theatre, opening 28 February, 72-13 Mohammed Sultan Road

What happens when an artist picks up her paintbrush after a long hiatus? Does the body still remember what has been lived? Or are the senses dulled by time, the joints fused with experience?

Still Life is an affecting look at life and art-making. In this deeply personal performance, Dana Lam rediscovers and reclaims her journey from the 1950s to the present, through her twin first loves: writing and painting. From journalist to activist, from daughter to grandmother, she confronts the choices and tensions that keep a life in balance. The result is an evocative portrait woven of lyrical prose and the unflinching gaze of an artist coming to terms with her own nakedness.

Directed and dramaturged with verve and sensitivity by Claire Wong, Still Life focuses on how we look at the world, at the past, and at ourselves. How do we see what we see? And how do we look at a life that’s never still in order to make meaning?
Presented in collaboration with TheatreWorks. Find out more about the production here.

Weekly Picks Singapore 25 February 3 March 2019

RS by RS Theatre Productions, The Playtent Studio One, 28 February to 3 March

Relationship, a connection between people, things, and ties. There are many ways in which we are all connected; whether it’s through family, faith, love, or even hatred. RS presents on how these connections can bring different sets of emotions and consequences through exploring several perspectives of five different acts. Performed by Lim Jun De and Miriam Cheong. More information here.

TL;DR by NUS Dance Synergy featuring NUS Electronic Music Lab, NUS University Cultural Centre Theatre, 27 February 7:30pm

Every day, we drown in information from a multitude of sources – the Internet, newspapers, social media, WhatsApp messages … and the list goes on. tl;dr. We swipe through these pictures and stories within seconds, but how often do we pause for a moment to read between the lines, judge the reality from fake stories and create meaning and significance?

Exploring creative possibilities using movement creation and electronic music, NUS Dance Synergy collaborates with NUS Electronic Music Lab in this introspective look at our relationship with the media. More information here.

Dreams by John Mead Dance Company, Stamford Arts Centre Black Box Theatre, 1 – 3 March

Dreaming is a surrealistic journey into our mind’s most creative inner space. As we dream, we visit the unknown and connect the unconnectable.

“DREAMS” is an entirely new, concert-length dance work created by award-winning choreographer, Mr. John Mead, Artistic Director of John Mead Dance Company (Singapore). Find out more here.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events[at]artsequator.com.

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