Quiz: How Much do you Know About Arts Censorship in Malaysia?

From banned publications to forbidden phrases, the arts has seen it all. Take our quiz, here to learn about arts censorship in Malaysia!

Quiz: How much do you know about censorship in the arts?

From banned publications to forbidden phrases, the arts has seen it all. Take our quiz to see how much you know about censorship in Malaysian arts!

1 / 10

1.Why was this edition of Khalil Gibran’s ‘The Prophet’ banned in Malaysia?

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2 / 10

2. Which one of these animated characters has NOT been censored yet in Malaysia?


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3 / 10

3. Which one of the factors listed below did NOT contribute to the banning of rock music in the mainstream media at the height of its popularity in Malaysia in the 1980s?


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4 / 10

4. Which one of these books is allowed to be sold in both its Malay and English editions in Malaysia?

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5 / 10

5. Assuming that you are a non-Muslim filmmaker living in the states of Kedah or Melaka, which one of these words would you be allowed to use in your hypothetical script?


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6 / 10

6. Which one of the following books was BANNED because of its cover ?

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7 / 10

7. Of the reasons below, which is NOT the reason the critically acclaimed documentary, ‘The Last Communist’ by Amir Muhammad, was banned by the Home Minister in 2006?


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8 / 10

8. Which of the authors below has had the highest number of publications banned in Malaysia?

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9 / 10

9. Which of the reasons below have NOT been used by the government to censor or ban artworks in Malaysia, yet?

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10 / 10

10. Which of these Acts and Enactments do NOT govern censorship in Malaysia?

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This content is produced as part of a project to research and document arts and culture censorship in Southeast Asia, organised by ArtsEquator. For the Malay version of this quiz, translated by Nabila Najwa (Nana), please click here.

About the author(s)

Zikri Rahman

Zikri Rahman has consistently embarked on collaborations with cultural activist groups in various socio-political projects. Buku Jalanan, a rhizomatic network of street library movement he co-founded, is a loose cultural and knowledge workers movement focusing on decentralizing the modes of knowledge production. He is also affiliated with Pusat Sejarah Rakyat, an independent archival research and documentation platform focusing on Malaysia and Singapore’s people’s history. With LiteraCity, he initiated a literary and cultural mapping project in the city of Kuala Lumpur. Zikri Rahman is also a writer, independent researcher, translator, and podcaster for various ephemeral platforms.

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