Podcast 58: Research and Practice in Performance-Making

Duration: 29 min

As emerging art-makers having recently graduated from B.A. programmes from three different institutions in Singapore, Ranice Tay, Chua Pei Yun and art naming 奇能 (née Adam Lau*) share their thoughts on the distinctions, overlaps, limitations and challenges between academic research and creative practice. Podcast hosted by Felipe Cervera.

*Prior to April 2019, art naming’s name was Adam Lau. As the podcast was recorded before the change of name, art is addressed as Adam in the recording.

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About the author(s)

Felipe Cervera is a writer, performance maker, and academic. His research interests are collaborative academia (teaching and research), and the social and artistic production of outer space. He has published widely on these topics in top tier international peer-reviewed journals and edited volumes. As an educator, he is interested in using theatre and performance as methods of relational pedagogies, offering students an opportunity to experience learning as a world-making practice. He serves as Co-Editor of the international peer-reviewed journal Global Performance Studies, as Associated Editor of Performance Research. As an actor and director, he has worked and toured extensively across The Americas, Europe, and Southeast Asia.

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