Open Calls and Opportunities: Mar 2022 (Singapore/SEA)

ArtsEquator Lobang is a list of available open calls, job postings and other opportunities open to people from Singapore and Southeast Asia. “Lobang”, a Malay word for “hole”, is used in Singlish as a shorthand for an opportunity, valuable contact or a tip.

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Info & Resources | Open Calls | Jobs

Info & Resources

Note: Info on reliefs, grants and packages by the Singapore government can be found here

[NEW] [Singapore] Arts and Culture Resilience Package Operating Grant

MCCY had extended the subsidy for venue hire and in-house production costs from 1 April to 30 June 2022 at a stepped down rate of 30%.

[NEW] [Singapore] Enhanced Project Grant Schemes

The Self Employed Person Grant (SEPG) will be incorporated into NAC’s existing grant schemes. Priority for existing grants will be given to projects that involved more SEPs.


[Singapore] COVID-19 Recovery Grant

The COVID-19 Recovery Grant (CRG) provides temporary financial support to workers in lower- to middle-income households who are presently experiencing involuntary job loss, involuntary no-pay leave (NPL) or income loss due to the economic impact of COVID-19. Open to Self Employed Persons and part-/full-time employees. Applications are open till 31 December 2022.


[Singapore] The Props Collective 

The Props Collective is a new props rental company based in Singapore that believes that art can be created communally and more sustainably while taking care of the environment.


[Singapore] SG Creative & Cultural Community on Facebook

The SG COVID-19 Creative/Cultural Professionals & Freelancers Support Group Facebook group was set up in Feb 2020 to share tips, resources and information for creative and cultural workers. It has since been renamed to SG Creative & Cultural Community.


[Singapore] Sing Lit Station HALP Fund

The HALP Fund is a discretionary fund used by Sing Lit Station to support literary arts practitioners in the creation and presentation of their work in any form. It also aims to provide subsistence funds during tough times. The maximum quantum will be $500 per application. Applications will be held year-round until 31 March 2021 or until funds are fully disbursed, whichever comes first.


[Singapore] SAMPP COVID-19 Relief Fund

Singapore Association of Motion Picture Professionals are offering grants for filmmakers and others in the film industry.


[Singapore] Temasek Trust-CDC Lifelong Learning Enabling Fund

The Temasek Trust-CDC Lifelong Learning Enabling Fund is a S$4 million community fund set up to support persons with disabilities in acquiring relevant vocational and independent living skills and emerge stronger from the pandemic.

This Fund is available for one year only until 31 Dec 2022.


Open Calls

[NEW] Audition for WILD RICE’s Singapore Youth Theatre 2022

Interested in the art and craft of Theatre-Making? If you’re aged 13 to 17 years old, come audition to join Wild Rice for the 2022 edition of Singapore Youth Theatre!

Duration: 12 months from end-June 2022, with a performance showcase in June 2023

Deadline: 23 March 2022


[NEW] Open Call: 136 GOETHE LAB Open Call

136 GOETHE LAB Open Call is a biannual open call inviting all Singapore-based cultural practitioners, individual or collectives, to develop and present a project at the Goethe-Institut Singapore’s project space, 136 GOETHE LAB. The open call welcomes experimental, research-based, process-driven, and interdisciplinary formats, rather than readymade presentations.

Deadline: 14 April 2022


[NEW] Open Call: parts & pieces – a night with Duo Tarenna and friends

Duo Tarenna is delighted to announce their first open call for scores for our next project, in collaboration with their dear friends violinist Joelle Chiam and cellist Tan Yan Chong. Entitled “parts & pieces”, this concert will feature little-known pieces of the vast string chamber repertoire, showcasing some of the myriad instrumental combinations within the string quartet. They invite emerging Singaporean/Singapore-based composers above the age of 15 years to participate in this open call.

Deadline: 19 April 2022


[NEW] Asian Film Archive Call for Entries 2022

SINGAPORE SHORTS is an annual showcase organised by the Asian Film Archive to celebrate the best and the most promising local short films in Singapore. The programme will feature a diverse range of new cinematic works chosen by an esteemed selection panel. There will be online discussions with the filmmakers, critical writings, as well as a special guest curated programme.

Deadline: 22 April 2022


[NEW] Open Call: National Gallery Light to Night Festival 2023

This Open Call invites Singapore-based visual artists and creatives to submit programme proposals for the Light to Night Festival 2023.

One of the marquee events of Singapore Art Week and an annual highlight in the Singapore cultural calendar, the Light to Night Festival is a district-wide visual art festival which aims to inspire audiences to forge deeper connections with art through engaging and progressive multi-disciplinary programmes. Light to Night 2023 will take place in January 2023.

Deadline: 24 April 2022


[NEW] Open Call: ‘Quick & Bold’ Bold Moment 10 Minute Play Festival

Do you have a short play or an idea for one? Bold Moment is inviting submissions for their annual 10 minute play festival, ‘Quick & Bold’!

Send them either your:
– 10 minute play
– 1 page concept
– CV

Indicating your interest in collaborating as either:
– Playwright
– Director
– Actor

Deadline: 30th April 2022


[NEW] Call For Applications 2022: South-South Arts Fellowships 2022

Living Arts International (LAI) are acutely aware of the limited support available for nurturing wider and deeper connections among cultural workers within the Global South. In this context, the South-South Arts Fellowships 2022 seek to support individuals/collectives/teams or groups to build initiatives that enable long-term professional networks, alliances and collaborations among cultural workers and artists/creative practitioners living and working in developing economies in Africa (including North Africa), Asia (including West Asia and Central Asia) and the Pacific.

Duration: Runs for 6 months from July to December 2022

Deadline: 15 May 2022


Open Call: Singapore International Photography Festival 2022

Calling out to all passionate photographers! The Singapore International Photography Festival is running its 8th edition next year.

Deadline: 14 March 2022, 11.59pm (GMT+8)


Open Call: Grey Projects Internship 2022

Grey Projects is inviting applicants for a 10-week long internship which will provide applicants with practical knowledge and experience in working at an alternative art space.

Besides day-to-day gallery duties, interns will be tasked with designing Grey Projects’ posters and publication, preparing for SGABF 2022 as well as supporting incoming artists-in-residence.

This internship will take place from March 2022 to May 2022. Interns are expected to commit a minimum of 23 hours each week, about 6 hours per day from Wednesday to Saturday (and other days as needed). This is a remunerated position.

To apply, email the following to

  1. A cover letter
  2. A CV of no more than two pages
  3. Design and writing samples

Deadline: 17 March 2022, 5pm (GMT+8)



Call for Submissions: Tina Sergeant Professional Development Initiative (TSPDI)

*SDEA members only

The Tina Sergeant Professional Development Initiative (TSPDI) is now open to SDEA Members for applications for SDEA’s inaugural Essentials of Teaching and Learning Approaches – Early Childhood. This funding initiative supports freelance practitioners and drama educators to make professional development a regular part of their lives. Selected applicants will be awarded up to $500 in funding.

Deadline: 18 March 2022, 11.59pm (GMT+8)


Open Call: Singapore Lyric Opera’s Youth and Children’s Chorus – Auditions

As a holistic development programme, the SLO Youth and Children’s Chorus provides vocal training and performance skills for youth and children aged 6 to 25. 

Audition dates: 18 and 19 March 2022


Open Call: Objectifs Curator

Curator Open Call invites Singapore-based curators to submit proposals for an exhibition to be realised at the Chapel Gallery, Objectifs. This is part of its ongoing effort to broaden perspectives by supporting curatorial research and innovative ways of presenting image-based work. The show will be presented between September and October 2022, at the Chapel Gallery for a period of up to 6 weeks.

Deadline: 20 March 2022, 11.59pm (GMT+8)



Open Call: Asia Connection – Producers Camp 2022

The NTCH (National Theater & Concert Hall, Taiwan) started the three-year Asia Connection: Producers Camp (ACPC) in 2021 with partner institutions Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay, National Theater of Korea (South Korea), and Tokyo Metropolitan Theatre (Japan), bringing resources from across Asia together with producers, creatives, and private organisations with international visions to construct a new network for professional producers and help promote Asian co-productions. At the end of the camp, the partner institutions also selected four promising projects from that year’s participating producers/proposals for future development or co-production.

The camp takes place online from August to September 2022.

Deadline: 31 March 2022


Open Call: The Center for Khmer Studies (CKS): Junior Resident Fellows Program

*Cambodian, French, and US students only

The CKS Junior Resident Fellows Program is a six-week programme in Cambodia for Cambodian, French, and US students to live and study alongside peers to learn about contemporary Cambodian history and society.

Each summer, CKS offers five U.S., five Cambodian, and five French undergraduate students and recent graduates the exciting opportunity to participate in our six-week Junior Resident Fellows Program in Cambodia.

Fellows are based at the CKS campus in Siem Reap, situated on the historic grounds of Wat Damnak – one of the city’s major Buddhist pagodas – and mere minutes away from the world-renowned Angkor Wat temple complex. Fellows also spend time in Cambodia’s bustling capital city, Phnom Penh.

Deadline: 31 March 2022


Call for Submissions: CKS Library Contest: Read More, Know More

*Cambodian nationals only

Opened in 2001, the CKS Library aims to promote a culture of reading in the community and provide resources for research and education to teachers, students, scholars and the public about Cambodia and the Mekong region.

It is our pleasure to invite younger readers to participate in CKS’ library contest “Read More, Know More.”

Eligibility Requirements:

– Cambodian nationals only

– Must be between 15 and 22 years old

– Contestants under the age of 18 must have the consent of their parents or guardian to participate in the contest. (The consent statement is in the application form.)

Deadline: 31 March 2022, 5pm (GMT+7)


Open Call: Emergency Academy

Emergency Academy is a cross-cultural, cross-disciplinary, and cross-regional artist incubation programme and a laboratory for nurturing future cultural leaders who aspire to influence, drive and change the existing systems.

Emergency Academy is currently calling for arts practitioners from all ages and backgrounds to join the second batch of their programme, starting June 2022. This will entail monthly meetings, discussions, network buildings and individual consultations.

Deadline: 1 April 2022, 11.59pm (GMT+8)


Open Call: Taoyuan International Art Award 2023

The Taoyuan International Art Award aims to cultivate talent in contemporary art and create a strong foundation for the research and creation of contemporary art, as well as to expand global perspectives, strengthen international exchanges, and encourage the diversified development of art practices.

Organised by Taoyuan Museum of Fine Arts, Taoyuan International Art Award 2023 calls for entries from 4 April to 22 April 2022. New works created by individuals or groups disregard nationality that have yet been exhibited nor recognised by any award at home or abroad are eligible for registration.

Deadline: 4 April 2022 to 22 April 2022


Open Call: G-Short

G-Short is a short film festival held as part of the George Town Festival to celebrate the endless imagination and possibilities a 90-second short film can bring about. Following the resounding success of the inaugural edition in 2021, G-Short returns for the second edition in July 2022.

Themed “Pause”, with the tagline “Short Yet Powerful”, G-Short was conceived to encourage filmmakers to create short-form and original films, unleashing their creativity and innovation to tell stories in new ways through its 90-second short film competition. It also serves as an easily accessible platform for the up-and-coming filmmakers to get noticed and to refine their styles.

Deadline: 24 April 2022


Call for Submissions: Singapore Unbound: 2022 Gaudy Boy Poetry Book Prize

The Gaudy Boy Poetry Book Prize is awarded annually to an unpublished manuscript of original Anglophone poetry by an author of Asian heritage residing anywhere in the world. The winner receives book publication and USD1,500.00. The contest is open to emerging and established poets.

Deadline: 15 May 2022


Open Call: Permisi

P7:1SMA is calling for applications for Permisi, a sharing space where one can share or ask for feedback for any brewing ideas or creation with the larger community. Each sharing will be for 30 minutes, inclusive of a conversation circle.

‘Permisi’ is an interjection in Malay-Indonesian that is commonly used in speech to apologise when seeking a clarification. This effort is a homage to Eng Kai Er’s ‘Make it Share it’ Philosophy.

Deadline: 20 May 2022


Call for Submissions: Epigram Books: Storytel Epigram Horror Prize (SEHP)

This year, Epigram Books is excited to announce a new short story competition. Named the Storytel Epigram Horror Prize (SEHP), it focuses on short stories in the horror genre and provides another platform for Singaporean writers to showcase their talents. The SEHP is open to any citizen or permanent resident in Singapore, 16 years old and above. Those submitting manuscripts must ensure that they are between 4,000 to 7,000 words long and in the English language. New and original translations of non-English works can also be submitted.

The top entry will receive S$3,000, the second-best will receive S$2,000, the third-best entry will receive S$1,000. Eight other shortlisted entries will receive S$500 each. All eleven shortlisted entries will be published as an anthology by Epigram Books and adapted to audiobooks by Storytel earlier.

Deadline: 30 May 2022



Singapore Unbound Awards for the Best Undergraduate Critical Essays on Singapore and Other Literatures 

For the second year running, Singapore Unbound, a NYC-based literary non-profit, will be giving out three awards of USD250.00 each for the best three undergraduate critical essays on topics in Singapore and other literatures. The purpose of these awards is to encourage the teaching and study of Singapore literature at college level and the cultivation of general appreciation for the character and achievements of Singapore literature.

Deadline: 31 July 2022


Call for Submissions: Epigram Books Fiction Prize 2023

Established in 2015, the Epigram Books Fiction Prize (EBFP) was initiated to promote contemporary Singapore creative writing and reward excellence in Singapore literature. Since 2020, the EBFP has been open to writers from Southeast Asia.

Writers must be citizens and permanent residents of Southeast Asia. Each submission must be a full-length, original and unpublished manuscript of at least 40,000 words, written in the English language. Translated works are also allowed, although terms and conditions apply.

Deadline: 1 August 2022


Call for Submissions: The Tiger Moth Review

The Tiger Moth Review, a new and independent eco-conscious journal from Singapore, is calling for submissions of poetry, prose, art and photography that emphasises the connections between “human activity and the environment that produces it”, work that displays an “awareness of ecology and concerns over environmental disaster” (“Ecopoetics”, Poetry Foundation).

They are looking for work that is eco-conscious and critical, work that celebrates the beauty/ bounty of nature, work that is cognisant, curious and contemplative of the relationships between humanity, modernity, cultures and the environments in which we live in or imagine ourselves to inhabit.

July issue: Submit between February and April

January issue: Submit between August and October



Call for Submissions: Singapore Unbound: SUSPECT

Singapore Unbound is calling for submissions for its new journal SUSPECT – poetry, literary fiction, essays, and any kind of writings that do not fall into these categories, written or translated into English by authors who identify as Asian.  They also publish reviews of books by Asian authors and interviews with Asian writers and artists.

Submit a group of 3-5 poems, a story, or an essay, with a brief cover letter, in MSWord format to Jee at


Open Call: SCCC: Programming Ideas

As part of the SCCC’s aim to promote Chinese Singaporean art and culture, it is inviting Singapore-based artists, organisations and community partners to submit their proposals for programmes to be held at our centre. The proposed projects could be presented in any format and need not be limited to exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, talks, conferences, performances, demonstrations, film screenings or educational courses.



Open Call: Raise Three Fingers

Raise Three Fingers (formerly Art for Freedom MM) is a campaign hub founded by artists and creatives in Myanmar to bring the global art community together and highlight the unfolding human rights and humanitarian crises caused by the military coup on February 1 2021. They are calling on the global art community to raise three fingers and shine a light on an illegitimate power grab.



Open Call: Conservation Research Writing Residency

Rimbun Dahan now offers short-term residencies, between 2 weeks and 3 months, for researchers in environmental conservation issues who need time and space to write up their research for publication.

Applications on a rolling basis from 1 March 2021.


Open Call: Youth Opera Comique (YOC): Auditions

Youth Opera Comique (YOC) is a bunch of fun-loving, yet passionate young opera singers with a desire to hone their operatic performance skills. As a company, they are focused on giving young singers opportunities to perform in unique, refreshing productions and exposure to this wonderful art form.


Call for Collaboration: 136 Goethe

Goethe Institut has announced a new arts space within its premises called 136 Goethe. They would like to invite the public, the arts community of Singapore and everyone who is interested in intercultural collaboration and innovative practices to engage in and access 136 GOETHE.



List Yourself: Producers SG Directory 

The Producers SG Directory is an online database of independent arts producers and managers working in and across Singapore and the region.

This is a growing directory. Producers SG welcomes submissions from producers and arts managers from Singapore, the rest of Southeast Asia, as well as professionals who work regularly with artists and/or platforms in this region.



Call for Pitches: so-far Issue 4: Platforms

so-far is a platform for both emerging and established writers which publishes long-form writing, deep dialogues, or experimental formats from letter-writing, speculative fiction, creative nonfiction, ekphrastic poetry, and more. It is calling for pitches for its next issue now.



[NEW] Asia Europe Foundation (ASEF): Various positions:

Senior Project Executive

The successful candidate will be responsible for developing and leading the implementation of ASEF Culture Department’s projects, as well as stepping up to provide guidance to and supervise other junior team members when needed.

Deadline: 7 April 2022

Executive Assistant

136 GOETHE LAB Open Call is a biannual open call inviting all Singapore-based cultural practitioners, individual or collectives, to develop and present a project at the Goethe-Institut Singapore’s project space, 136 GOETHE LAB. The open call welcomes experimental, research-based, process-driven, and interdisciplinary formats, rather than readymade presentations.

Deadline: 10 April 2022


The Necessary Stage: Volunteers (for Opposition 对峙)

The Necessary Stage is looking for volunteers to help out with their upcoming show, Opposition 对峙. 

Duties include:

– Welcoming visitors to the venue and responding to queries (don’t worry – we’ll brief you!).

– Setting up and maintaining the FOH counter.

– Ensuring a smooth and safe experience by ensuring COVID-19 Safe Management Measures are carried out, including checking vaccination status, crowd management, ticket-scanning, ushering, etc.

Show dates: 17 Mar to 3 Apr 2022


National Gallery Singapore: Various positions

National Gallery Singapore is recruiting for various positions.


Some positions include:

National Gallery Singapore: Senior Manager/Assistant Director (Content Publishing)

Job roles include:

– Oversee 2-3 content developers, providing editorial supervision and guidance through the content development process, giving close feedback and ensuring that content is delivered in a timely fashion and to our institutions’ standards.

– Manage existing content development projects and bring a concept to fruition. This includes working with writers/authors, curators, educators and programmers, as well as designers, printers or technology developers. This requires a keen understanding of the SVAC institutions’ content, the nature of content and strong project management skills.

Deadline: 13 March 2022


National Gallery Singapore: Senior Executive (Digital Content)

Job roles include:

– Collaborate with Integrated Marketing team members and supervise social content agency to develop and enhance the Gallery’s content strategy to increase the follower base and deepen engagement of the Gallery’s social media communities. These include but are not limited to FaceBook, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube and WeChat.

– Drive the creation of appealing and creative digital content through supervising the Gallery’s social content agency to craft social media with the objective of growing follower base and improving visitor engagement to support the Gallery’s social media strategy. The successful candidate will collaborate with Integrated Marketing team members and other internal stakeholders to develop and edit a range of social media content to engage target communities and improve visitor engagement.

Deadline: 20 March 2022


National Gallery Singapore: Manager/Senior Manager (Exhibition Design & Operations)

This role is responsible for the planning and management of processes related to exhibition design and fabrication work at the National Gallery Singapore.

Job roles include:

– Plan work scheduling and management of museum exhibitions/special artwork commission set-up.

– Preparation of administrative documents, including tender documents, bill of quantities and purchase requisitions.

– Provide support daily maintenance execution for exhibition spaces.

– Review project drawings, technical specifications and floor plans for exhibition design and fabrication work submissions.

Deadline: 23 March 2022


Singapore Art Museum: Various positions

The Singapore Art Museum is recruiting for various positions.


Some positions include:

Singapore Art Museum: Executive, Marketing Communications

Job roles include:

– Management of essential services and supporting processes that support the core business of Singapore Art Museum

– Assist Marcomm Leads with content production for marketing campaigns, which primarily include videography and photography projects, involving the development of scripts, management of vendors and shoots, as well as the timely production of publicity assets

– Perform copywriting for publicity materials, which may include press releases, factsheets, social media copies and EDMs

– Support overall MCC efforts in content development and upkeep of SAM’s social and digital channels, as well as community management of SAM’s touchpoints


Singapore Art Museum: Internships


– Have a positive attitude

– Keen interest in the Arts and Culture industry

– Can commit for a period of 2 to 6 months

– Able to commence internship from May to June 2022 or August to September 2022

– Must be a full-time matriculated student with a local or foreign educational institution

– Must be at least 18 years and above


Singapore Unbound: Various positions

Singapore Unbound is recruiting for various positions.


Positions include:

Singapore Unbound: Editorial Internship (Gaudy Boy)

Singapore Unbound is seeking a passionate and meticulous individual for a one-year editorial internship with SP Blog. This internship offers a great opportunity to be involved with a socially conscious literary platform to amplify the voices of Asian writers from different communities.

The intern will be working directly with the Book Reviews Editor in the following areas:

– Researching and recommending new books for review

– Liaising with publishers for Advance Reading Copies

– Pitching books to reviewers and following up

– Editing first drafts of reviews under the guidance of the Book Reviews Editor

– Maintaining records of reviews


Singapore Unbound: Publicity Internship (Gaudy Boy)

Singapore Unbound is seeking a bright and enthusiastic individual for a one-year publicity internship. This internship offers a rare opportunity to be involved with a young and dynamic press and to gain valuable hands-on experience in community outreach, arts marketing, and public relations. The intern will be working directly with the Managing Editor.

Job responsibilities include:

– Pitching books to news outlets and book review editors via email blasts and physical book mailings in a timely fashion

– Responding to review queries in a timely fashion and planning follow-ups to those who have not responded

– Building rapport and good relationships with media contacts

– Maintaining and growing a media contact list

– Helping to plan social media campaigns

– Brainstorming ideas for features, interviews, reviews, etc. of the press, author, and book.


Checkpoint Theatre: Various positions

Checkpoint Theatre has various positions open.


These positions include:

Checkpoint Theatre: Volunteer

Be part of Checkpoint Theatre’s Front-of-House team and play a vital role in creating a welcoming theatre experience for our audience! They are looking for volunteers who are passionate about the arts, personable, and can think well on their feet. Duties include greeting guests, handling patron queries, as well as managing the sale of Checkpoint publications. Training and guidance will be provided.


Checkpoint Theatre: Internship

Checkpoint Theatre offers a holistic internship experience where you will learn first-hand what goes into bringing a production from page to stage. While duties will be primarily administrative in nature, interns are likely to have multiple opportunities (depending on the attachment period) to observe our creative process and follow the development of works-in-progress.


Bold Drama Educator for Youth & Kids

Bold Moment is looking for independent drama educators experienced and interested in working with children and young adults. The successful application will:

– Have experience in teaching speech and drama to ages 16 and below

– Able to independently prepare session plans

– Helm small presentation productions for youth

Please send applications to with CV, and cover letter outlining your interest and plan in working with youth and children (300 words).



Pangdemonium! Technical Apprenticeships

Pangdemonium!’s Technical Apprenticeship programme offers a full-time, production-long, professional experience for highly motivated and committed individuals who are looking to bridge the gap between their academic experience and a professional career in theatre.

Available Apprenticeships: Stage Management, Production Management, Lighting Design



SDEA – Singapore Drama Educators Association Subcommittee

Established in 2002 as a not-for-profit organisation by a group of artists and drama educators, SDEA – Singapore Drama Educators Association’s mission is to advance the profession of the drama/theatre educator and advocate for the practice and value of drama and theatre in performance, education and community.

Job responsibilities include:

– Membership – plan programmes, campaigns and activities to build community

– Fundraising – ideate and run fundraising campaigns that benefit drama educators

– Programming – join an adhoc subcommittee to plan one of our programmes in the year such as Level Up! Fest, Connections, Celebrate Drama! and more!

– CET – Find ways to advance the profession of the drama educator through workshops, masterclasses, and other programmes.

– Advocacy – be at the forefront of conversations, focus groups, and more to advocate for the value and practice of the arts.


Asian Film Archive: Volunteer positions

Asian Film Archive is recruiting volunteers in different areas.


These positions include:

Asian Film Archive: Volunteer Position: Film Preservation

Job roles include:

– Cataloguing films

– Organising and archiving related materials

– Creating preservation and access copies for titles in our collection


Asian Film Archive: Volunteer Position: Outreach

Job roles include:

– Photo and/or video event coverage of various activities; Credit acknowledgement should photo/video be utilised

– Front-of-house duties

– Writing article on different events; Credit acknowledgement should articles be published


Asian Film Archive: Volunteer Position: Administrative

Job roles include:

– Update different contract databases

– Perform analytics on feedback


METIS: Various Positions

Metis is recruiting for various positions.


Some positions include:

METIS: Senior Consultant: East Asia

Metis is actively seeking passionate and experienced Senior Consultants to cover various regions and countries across East Asia for them, and to represent their growing brand. Under the auspices of a reputable platform and with access to Metis’ global network for sourcing quality artworks, you will provide expertise and personal advice to clients on building their art collections.


METIS: Social Media Intern

Metis is looking for a highly-motivated and committed candidate who wants to pursue a commercial career in visual arts management, specifically in the areas of marketing and communications. The part-time role will report to the Marketing Manager with a flexible commitment of 1-2 days per week.



iPRECIATION: Internship Opportunity

iPRECIATION is looking for an intern who is a young dynamic student or graduate, with a go-getter spirit – one who is detail-oriented, able to multitask, and willing to work under pressure to meet deadlines in a fast-paced environment. They should have good written and oral communication abilities in English and Mandarin. They should also possess efficient computer skills in Microsoft Word, Excel and Powerpoint. Proficiency in Adobe Creative Suite software and basic photography skills would be an added advantage.



Tusitala: Freelance Web Developers (Project Basis)

The Tusitala team is looking for freelance web developers, ideally from Singapore. We hope to build a network of 4-5 reliable web developers willing to work with the team at Tusitala on various web-based projects on a project basis.



NTU Museum and Archive: Deputy Director

The Head, NTU Museum and Archive is responsible for providing the vision, setting strategic directions, plans and goals, and leading their execution towards achieving a world-class university museum and archive that is recognised for its unique interdisciplinary art collection, capabilities in public art commission, and comprehensive archival collection on NTU’s contributions in the history of education in Singapore and globally.

The incumbent should aspire to achieve excellence in promoting and fostering interdisciplinary collaborations through innovative exhibitions and programming, promoting the use of collections for research and scholarships, leveraging on technology to enhance access and providing archival and art resources to improve the quality of teaching and learning in NTU.



Arts House Limited: Operations Support (Tech), Facilities Management [Contract]

Job roles include (list is not exhaustive):

– To conceive ideas, develop and execute them as programmes (particularly Chinese) for The Arts House (AHL)

– To build strong and long-term partnerships with Chinese artists and arts organisations so as to better serve programming needs

– To assist and support as needed other AHL festivals, projects and events



Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts(NAFA): Various Positions

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts(NAFA) is recruiting for various positions.


Some positions include:

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts(NAFA): Adjunct Lecturer, Drawing Fundamentals, 2D/3D, Visual Art & General Studies, School of Art and Design

Job roles include (list is not exhaustive):

– Undertake 8 – 12 contact/teaching hours per week in one of the following unit(s)/component(s): Drawing Fundamentals, 2D/3D Fundamentals, Introduction to Visual Arts and General Studies

– Design, prepare and develop documents such as lesson plans and assessment descriptors as well as teaching resources/materials

– Plan and supervise a variety of activities such as projects, productions, collaborations, etc.

– Supervise and assess students’ assignments/works/projects


Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts(NAFA): Early Childhood Educator (Chinese), Bencoolen Campus

Job roles include (list is not exhaustive):

– Plan and deliver school curriculum to help foster holistic learning and development

– Responsible for all aspects of classroom management and maintenance of a tidy and well-organised classroom

– Support the development and implementation of new teaching and learning approaches and resources

– Communicate effectively and establish good rapport with children



YALE-NUS COLLEGE: Various Positions

YALE-NUS COLLEGE is recruiting for various positions.

Some positions include:

YALE-NUS COLLEGE: Lecturer in Art Practice (Educator Track)

Yale-NUS College is seeking to hire a full-time Lecturer position in “Art Practice”, which is one of three curricular tracks in the Arts & Humanities major (which is one of four majors in the Division of Humanities at Yale-NUS College). This position is on a fixed term contract of up to three (3) years, starting in the Academic Year 2022-2023.

The successful candidate is expected to teach at least five (5) courses in the area of Art Practice and show strong commitment to teaching art practice in an undergraduate liberal arts context with particular attention to the relation of art practice to gender, identity, society, and politics, with demonstrable experience in any one or both of the following areas of expertise: (1) Film, Sound and Media Studies; (2) Photography and Imaging.

Applicants should have a relevant PhD or MFA. A clear ability and passion for undergraduate education is essential. The incoming faculty member would join a committed team dedicated to the development and teaching of the Arts & Humanities.

Deadline: Until position is filled


YALE-NUS COLLEGE: Part-Time Lecturer in Art Practice

The College is seeking to hire a part-time Lecturer position in “Art Practice”, which is one of three curricular tracks in the Arts & Humanities major (which is one of four majors in the Division of Humanities at Yale-NUS College). This position is for one-year, starting in Academic Year 2022 -2023, renewable for up to two (2) additional years.

The successful candidate is expected to teach two (2) courses in the area of Art Practice and show strong commitment to teaching arts practice in an undergraduate liberal arts context, and to have demonstrable experience in any one, or in any combination, of the following areas of expertise: (1) graphic arts and motion graphics; (2) visual communication and information design; (3) studio arts; (4) contemporary arts practices.

Applicants should have a relevant PhD or MFA. A clear ability at and passion for undergraduate education is essential.

Deadline: Until position is filled



LASALLE College of the Arts: Various positions

LASALLE College of the Arts is recruiting for various positions.


Some positions include:

LASALLE College of the Arts: Part-Time Lecturers: Diploma in Audio Production (with specialisation in Live Sound)

The School of Contemporary Music (SoCM) in the Faculty of Performing Arts, is Singapore and Southeast Asia’s leading music school dedicated to developing thoughtful, reflective and virtuosic music talents in contemporary expressions of music.

Reporting to the Programme Leader, the Part-Time Lecturer will be teaching across Level 2 and 3 in the Diploma in Audio Production. Required classes include both theoretical concepts of audio system design concepts and practical projects in sound reinforcement.

The primary responsibilities of a Part-time Lecturer are to plan, teach and assess within the existing curriculum of the assigned programme and provide student-learning support. Part-time Lecturers are usually engaged on a semester basis and paid on an hourly-rated basis. The rate of pay will depend on qualifications and experience.

Deadline: Until position is filled


LASALLE College of the Arts: Part-Time Lecturers: BA(Hons) Film (with Specialisation in Producing)

The Puttnam School of Film & Animation in the Faculty of Fine Arts, Media & Creative Industries seeks Part-time Lecturers to teach into the BA(Hons) Film programme.

Reporting to the Programme Leader, you will be teaching producing to Level 1 and Level 2 students in the BA(Hons) Film programme, covering line producing, as well as the business of film and film financing. You will also consult with students regarding production related matters on their portfolio, as well as group films, which are mandatory components on the programme that all students must undertake.

The primary responsibilities of a Part-time Lecturer are to plan, teach and assess within the existing curriculum of the assigned programme and provide student-learning support. Part-time Lecturers are usually engaged on a semester basis and paid on an hourly-rated basis. The rate of pay will depend on the qualifications and experience.

Deadline: Until position is filled


LASALLE College of the Arts: Part-Time Lecturers: MA Design

The School of Design Communication resides in the Faculty of Design and offers Diploma and BA(Hons) programmes in Design Communication and Masters of Arts in Design.

The Masters of Arts in Design programme is seeking Part-time Lecturers to plan and deliver teaching in the assigned modules examining design research and practice. They will work alongside the programme team on supervising design development and individual MA dissertations.

The primary responsibilities of a Part-time Lecturer are to plan, teach and assess within the existing curriculum of the assigned programme and provide student-learning support. Part-time Lecturers are usually engaged on a semester basis and paid on an hourly-rated basis. The rate of pay will depend on the qualifications and experience.

Deadline: Until position is filled



Nanyang Technological University: Various positions

Nanyang Technological University is recruiting for various positions.

Some positions include:

Nanyang Technological University: Manager, Curator

Responsibilities include (list is not exhaustive):

– Curate Content for Exhibition and Outreach

– Develop a World-class University Archive and Art Collection

– Archive and Art Collection Management

– Collaborative and Interdisciplinary Partnerships

– Public Art Management

– Corporate and Finance Governance Services


Nanyang Technological University: Manager, Art Collection Management and Conservation

Reporting to the Head and the Deputy Director (Museum and Archive), the incumbent will support activities which align with NTU’s strategic thrusts, especially in the area of education, research and innovation. The incumbent will perform all activities related to managing the permanent and loan art collection of the University, which includes professional processes such as accessioning, preventive conservation duties, loan agreement, insurance, conservation assessment, weekly condition checks, inventory and movement required to protect the University’s and loan collections. The incumbent will also provide administrative and logical support for the daily operations, which also cover programmes, exhibitions, and special projects such as Public Art on campus.



SOTA: Various positions

School of the Arts Singapore is recruiting for various positions.


Some positions include:

SOTA: Teacher, Faculty of Film

The core function of the job is to assist the School towards achieving its strategic objectives – working in teams to constantly devise meaningful pedagogical approaches and its eventual instructional implementation in class. Teachers are to develop and nurture 21st century competencies, and thinking and language skills to enable the holistic development of the students. They are to engage, encourage and prepare students to meet the challenges that arise.

Joles roles include (list is not exhaustive):

– Design, develop and review curriculum, assessment and pedagogy to support students in achieving desired learning outcomes in film and media

– Monitor and evaluate students’ progress and development and provide useful and timely feedback to support holistic development

– Monitor and ensure the safe use of equipment and tools by students in the course of students’ learning experience


ArtsEquator Lobang: Open Calls and Job Opportunities (Singapore/SEA) is presented by ArtsEquator.

Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers’ websites. ArtsEquator shall have no liability for the accuracy of the information and cannot be held liable for any third-party claims or losses of any damages.

If you have an open call or a job opportunity you’d like us to highlight, please email contact[at]

About the author(s)

Nabilah Said

Nabilah Said is an award-winning playwright, editor and cultural commentator. She is also an artist who works with text across various artforms and formats. Her plays have been staged in Singapore and London, including ANGKAT, which won Best Original Script at the 2020 Life Theatre Awards. Nabilah is the former editor of ArtsEquator.

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