Open calls and job opportunities

Open Calls and Job Opportunities: November 2018 (Singapore)

Call for Applications for Southeast Asian Choreolab 2019

We invite emerging contemporary dance choreographers (or performance artists or physical theatre creators) from Southeast Asia to apply for the Southeast Asian Choreolab 2019.

This international choreographic laboratory will take place at Rimbun Dahan, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, from 22 to 30 June 2019, facilitated by Australian choreographer Liesel Zink.

Due date for applications: 30 November 2018.

This is a joint project of Rimbun Dahan, MyDance Alliance, and World Dance Alliance Asia-Pacific. More information here.

Asian Cultural Council Grant Applications

The Asian Cultural Council furthers international dialogue, understanding, and respect through cultural exchange activities in Asia and the United States to create a more harmonious and peaceful world. This is accomplished through fellowships and programs that support individual artists, scholars, and arts professionals.

The majority of ACC’s grants are awarded directly to individual artists, scholars, and arts specialists. Organizations that will facilitate a cultural exchange opportunity for artists, scholars, or arts specialists may also apply on behalf of the individual project participants. Please read ACC’s program description and application guidelines before the application process. Find out more here.


SOTA Primary 6 Art Competition 2019

SOTA is pleased to announce the second edition of its annual nation-wide drawing and painting competition. Proudly supported by Mapletree, SOTA is extending an invite to pupils (who will be in Primary 6 in 2019) who are creative and budding artists to participate in this visual arts competition.

Students can stand a chance to develop his/her talent in SOTA’s Junior Academy, display his/her work in an exhibition, and win up to $300 worth of vouchers! Find out how to take part here. Submission closes on 23 January 2019.







Be a Part of international artist, Martin Creed’s Work No. 1343 at National Gallery Singapore!

With the upcoming exhibition by National Gallery Singapore, Minimalism: Space. Light. Object, the Gallery would like to invite members of the public to be part of Work No. 1343 by British artist Martin Creed. The work aims to bring together a mix of handcrafted and mass produced, old and new design from Singapore and the world, whereby every single piece of tableware, glassware, cutlery, chair and table is unique. Playfully blurring the boundaries between art and functionality, conceptual rigour and poetry of the everyday, the work’s extraordinary potential lies in this multitude of creative perspectives and objects’ individual histories.


Donations of colourful, vibrant, distinctive objects – old and new, extravagant, classic or just functional, and in good condition! In particular: café and bar furniture (tables, high and low chairs), plates and bowls (dinner plate, dessert / side plates, steak board), cups and mugs (alcohol glasses, coffee and tea cups), and cutlery. We want your smile too, when imagining your beloved items in this new environment.


Snap a picture of your possible donation, submit it to this web address.

We would appreciate all contributions by yourself and your readers in creating this one-of-a-kind (and super Instagrammable) installation, and we’re excited to host you at the Gallery soon to see how your items have been used in the artwork!

Singapore Heritage Society: Call for Interns (January-July 2019)

Do you believe in creating a deeper sense of place and identity for Singaporeans?
Are you keen to be a part of civil society, shaping the way Singapore develops?
Would you like to understand how heritage encompasses a wide range of contemporary social, cultural, economic and political issues?
If so, then sign up for the Singapore Heritage Society internship and help us make a difference through heritage advocacy.

Closing date for applications: Mon, 10 Dec 2018.
Only shortlisted applicants will be contacted and given a date for a face-to-face interview. The internship will run from 12 Jan to 31 July 2019.

Founded in 1987, the Singapore Heritage Society is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation and registered charity with Institution of Public Character (IPC) status. As independent voice on heritage issues in Singapore, it is dedicated to research, education and advocacy relating to Singapore’s history, culture and identity. Run by volunteers, the Society’s active members include academics and professionals in related industries as well as serious enthusiasts from all walks of life.

For further details, click here.

Content Manager: Art & Market

Part-time CONTENT MANAGER wanted! Art & Market or A&M is an online journalistic platform looking for a Content Manager who has keen interests in Southeast Asian Art, able to work independently and able to communicate accurately in writing articles and social media posts.

Interested applicants, please send a CV and, if available, a piece of writing on art to the editor, Nadya Wang.

6-10 hours per week, with most communication online via email/Google Drive and WhatsApp. Team meetings will take place once a month and last for a a maximum of an hour each time, either in person or over Skype.

Find out more at

Open Calls November

Various Job Opportunities at The Arts House

The Arts House Ltd. has announced job vacancies with Contract Positions for the Singapore International Festival of Arts and full-time positions at the Arts House Limited.

Find out here.

Singapore Repertory Theatre Residency in Arts Management

Are you looking at getting some working experience that can kickstart your career in Singapore’s theatre industry? Our Residency Programme in Arts Management might just be for you.

As an arts management resident, you’ll gain a solid understanding of all the departments at SRT and gain hands on experience in several departments. By the end of your 18 – 24 months residency, you will be ready for employment in an arts organisation at a junior management level!

To find out more or to apply for this position, click here.

ABOUT SRT’S RESIDENCY PROGRAMME: The residency Programme is part of SRT’s capacity development strategy to actively invest in a pool of future colleagues in vital areas, but it is also equally a vital contribution to the industry. The Residents form part of the SRT family and actively contribute to day-to-day work however this is on the the shared understanding between the SRT team and Board, that this is not intended to cut staff costs.


Singapore Repertory Theatre Audio Description Workshop

With the support of Temasek Foundation Nurtures, Singapore Repertory Theatre (SRT) is setting out on a journey to implement Audio Description (AD) for live theatre performances in 2019.

What is Audio Description? Audio Description provides access to the visual elements – action, costumes, settings, scene changes, gestures, facial expressions, sight gags and other visually engaging images. While primarily designed for people who are blind or vision impaired, Audio Description can also assist people who have Autism Spectrum Disorders and people with print and/or learning disabilities such as dyslexia, colour blindness and so on.

The training: A specialist team from Access2Arts will offer training and professional mentoring in Audio Description. The training will support participants in writing vivid and accurate audio descriptions. It will cover how to prepare scripts for delivery and recording. Participants will be equipped with essential skills to write, edit and record effective audio descriptions for theatre.

Read more here.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers’ websites. If you have an open call or a job opportunity you’d like us to highlight, please email contact[at]

About the author(s)

Kathy Rowland is the Managing Editor of, a registered charity that she co-founded with Jenny Daneels in 2016. The site is dedicated to supporting and promoting arts criticism with a regional perspective in Southeast Asia. Kathy has worked in the arts for over 25 years, working in the areas of critical writing and arts advocacy, with a special interest in media platforms for the arts. She is the Project Lead for ArtsEquator’s Southeast Asian Arts and Culture Censorship Documentation Project, launched in 2021. She has written extensively on censorship of arts and culture in Malaysia. She was a member of the International Programme Advisory Committee of the 8th World Summit on Arts and Culture, 2019.

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