Open calls and job opportunities

Open Calls and Opportunities: June 2020 (Singapore/SEA)

ArtsEquator Lobang is a list of available open calls, job postings and other opportunities open to people from Singapore and Southeast Asia. “Lobang”, a Malay word for “hole”, is used in Singlish as a shorthand for an opportunity, valuable contact or a tip.

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Info & Resources | Open Calls | Jobs


Info & Resources

Note: Info on reliefs, grants and packages by the Singapore government can be found here

[Singapore] Pasar Glamour Art Aid

Pasar Glamour Art Aid is opening up another round of applications for Singaporean & PR self-employed (SEP) or freelance practitioners working in the performing arts sector, who have suffered loss of income due to cancelled or postponed projects arising from Covid-19 measures. Previously successful applicants of Pasar Glamour Art Aid may not re-apply.

Deadline: 17 July 2020


[Singapore] Arts and Culture Resilience Package (ACRP): Capability Development Scheme for the Arts (CDSA)

The National Arts Council (NAC) will provide a one-time Capability Development Scheme for the Arts (CDSA) for eligible arts organisations and individuals to encourage upskilling, and grow organisational capabilities.  Apply by 31 July 2020, 5pm. Training must take place from now till 31 December 2020.

NAC lists courses here. For freelancers, Arts Resource Hub has a list of some training areas and suggested courses here.


[Singapore] Arts and Culture Resilience Package: Digital Presentation Grant for the Arts (DPG)

Under the Digitalisation Fund, NAC will support the arts and culture organisations’ and practitioners’ efforts to enhance the digitalisation of their work. The Digital Presentation Grant (DPG) is a time-limited scheme that aims to support efforts by artists and arts organisations to present their work in digital form or via digital mediums, during this COVID-19 period.

Applications will open from 14 April to 31 July 2020 (5pm), and projects should be completed by 31 December 2020. Successful applicants may receive up to $20,000 per project.


[Singapore] Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme (SIRS)

The government has announced a relief scheme for self-employed persons, including arts freelancers. Applications and appeals are managed by NTUC, and will be made online on 20 April 2020.


[Singapore] Sing Lit Station HALP Fund

The HALP Fund is a discretionary fund used by Sing Lit Station to support literary arts practitioners in the creation and presentation of their work in any form. It also aims to provide subsistence funds during tough times. The maximum quantum will be $500 per application. Applications will be held year-round until 31 March 2021 or until funds are fully disbursed, whichever comes first.


[Singapore] SAMPP COVID-19 Relief Fund

Singapore Association of Motion Picture Professionals are offering grants for filmmakers and others in the film industry.


[Singapore] Free legal clinics for arts practitioners

Law Society Pro Bono Services are running free legal clinics for freelancers working in the creative, arts, and cultural industry. These sessions are a one-off 30min session, provided pro bono, to take place online.


An online initiative to amplify the work of Singapore artists during this time, such as livestreams, online concerts, recordings and other initiatives.


[Singapore] Resources aggregated by Singapore Drama Educators Association


[Singapore] Opportunities for freelance performance artists by Covenant Chambers LLC

Law firm Covenant Chambers LLC has started an initiative to support local performing artists by commissioning them to read a monologue or poem to be video recorded and shared online.


[Singapore] SkillsFuture Top-Up

Adult Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive a one-off $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up. Eligible individuals can start using the additional credit from 1 October 2020. Singaporeans aged 40 to 60 will receive a special $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up. This will be over and above the $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up for Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above. Eligible individuals can start using the SkillsFuture Credit provided under this package from 1 October 2020, on about 200 career transition programmes offered by the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centres.


[Singapore]  Self-Employed Persons Training Support Scheme

All Self-Employed Persons will be entitled to between $7.50-$11 an hour of training allowance for SkillsFuture series courses and selected sector-specific training programmes. This will be administered by NTUC.

More info can be found here.

[Singapore] Singapore Unbound Relief Fund (SURF)

Singapore Unbound has decided to postpone this year’s writing fellowships to Southeast Asia and to commit the funds instead to aid Singaporean writers badly affected by the shutdowns. Creative writers, whether they are Singapore citizens living anywhere in the world or Permanent Residents of Singapore, may apply for a USD200/SGD280 grant from the Singapore Unbound Relief Fund with no strings attached. This fund is specifically intended to help those in dire need of immediate help. Donations to this fund are also welcome.

Open for application now.


[NEW] [Singapore] Survey on Current Practices in Theatre

A working group of theatre practitioners are drafting a paper on good practices and/or a code of conduct in theatre, with the intent of advocating for better practices in the theatre industry in Singapore.

They are calling for freelancers to fill in this survey.

Join the Facebook Group here.

[Singapore] SG COVID-19 Creative/Cultural Professionals & Freelancers Support Group

A Facebook support group sharing tips, resources and information for creative and cultural workers.


[Singapore] ArtsComm

Online forum and Facebook Group for members of the arts community in Singapore.

COVID-19 and Freelance Artists

An aggregated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines worldwide.



Open Calls


Call for pitches: so-far Issue 4: Platforms

so-far is a platform for both emerging and established writers which publishes long-form writing, deep dialogues, or experimental formats from letter-writing, speculative fiction, creative non-fiction, ekphrastic poetry, and more. It is calling for pitches for its next issue now.



Frontier Danceland Company Audition 2020

Frontier Danceland is looking for a contemporary dancer with a diverse dance vocabulary and strong improvisational skills to join the company as a full-time artist.

Deadline: 19 June 2020, 2359hrs (Sg time)



Tokyo Arts and Space – Residency Programs 2021 calls

Tokyo Arts and Space are looking for participations for its two residency programs in 2021: International Creator Residency and Research Residency. Up to 14 creators will be selected in total for the two residencies.

Deadline: 24 June 2020



“Rewritten: The World Ahead of Us” Public Art Open Call 

The Public Art Trust is seeking proposals for ambitious and imaginative text-based public artworks, to be sited on the islandwide Coast-to-Coast trail, which respond to the following objectives:

1. Imagine Singapore’s position in a post-COVID world, where numerous opportunities and vulnerabilities abound;

2. Reflect how art can turn obstacles into inspiration and inspire others to follow suit;

3. Embrace our shared humanity and uplift the spirits of our people.

The showcase, targeted to launch in November 2020, will also be accompanied by a virtual exhibition component.

Successful applicants may receive a budget of up to $25,000 per artwork to cover project-related expenses and artist fees.

Deadline: 30 June 2020, 1700 (Sg time)



Call for entries for VIDEONALE.18

The call for entries for the 18th edition of the Videonale has begun. The VIDEONALE.18 – Festival for Video and Time-Based Art will take place March 4 – April 18 2021 at the Kunstmuseum Bonn. It is open for experimental works from the fields of single- and multi-channel video, video installation, performance, sound art, and virtual reality.

Deadline: 30 June 2020



Kyoto Art Center Artist-in-Residence Program 2021 for Visual Arts

Kyoto Art Center’s Artist-in-Residence Program offers support to emerging artists and art researchers who wish to pursue creative activities in Kyoto. In 2021, the program is open for visual artists / researchers.

Deadline: 30 June 2020



Open Call for Community Arts Residencies 2020

The National Arts Council is pleased to announce this OPEN CALL for Community Arts Residencies at Indian Heritage Centre, Buangkok Square, Loyang Point and Yishun Park Hawker Centre from 20 August 2020 to January 2021. These Residencies aim to support practising artists in advancing the field of community arts in Singapore by providing opportunities to inquire, develop arts-based collaborations, and co-create artworks with different communities that will shape communal spaces and reflect the collective stories of people.

Deadline: 30 June 2020, 1800 (Sg time)


Mapping of Fear: Open Call

Making art gives us a way to express difficult emotions. In the pragmatic landscape of Singapore, contemplating one’s fears is often considered futile and unproductive. But fear is what makes us human and connects us deeply to each other. Fear can reveal how we may choose to change and go forward in difficult times. This is a collaborative art project initiated by artists.

All submissions are entirely anonymous, and no art experience is necessary. Follow this project and look at what other people are drawing at #mappingfear.

Deadline: 20 June 2020



Pameran Poskad: Open Call

Pameran Poskad 2020 is a gathering of postcard-sized artworks exhibited by internationally renowned artists, alongside masterpieces created by hobbyists and laymen. Anyone can be an artist! In its seventh edition, about 4,000 pieces of artwork by over 400 participating artists from Singapore and around the world will be jointly exhibited at a public gallery, with workshops and artwork sales from $10 to $1000.

Pameran Poskad (meaning ‘postcard exhibition’ in Malay) is a community art exhibition that shares the joy of experiencing art as creators, appreciators, and collectors.

Deadline: 1 October 2020



Permisi 6th Edition – Open for applications

The sixth edition of Permisi: Open Stage is happening on 29 May 2020. Permisi is a non-curated programme for anyone to share or collect feedback for any brewing idea or creation with our larger community. This open programme is designed for of all levels of training and experience.



Call for content

National Youth Council and Creative Nation Singapore are looking for content creators for a new content channel to develop opportunities and jobs during and post circuit breaker. Payment will be between SGD100-150 for content between 10 to 35 minutes long.



Call for pitches: Mynah Magazine

Mynah Magazine is looking for writers, photographers, illustrators and other creatives with a story to tell for its 4th edition.

To pitch, drop an email at with the word PITCH somewhere in the subject line.

Deadline: 22 June 2020, 11.59pm  (Sg time)



7th SIPF Portfolio Open Call

The 7th SIPF is seeking for portfolio proposals to be showcased in various public art spaces in Singapore for our festival this year.
Singapore International Photography Festival (SIPF) is an international platform that aims to promote the arts and the appreciation of photography arts, as well as critical thought and academic discourse on photography in SEA. The theme of the upcoming 7th edition of SIPF is Departing and Arriving, which addresses the sense of identity, belonging and journey in artistic creation.

Deadline: 30 June 2020



7th SIPF Photobook Open Call

The SIPF Open Call for Photobooks hopes to foster greater creative exchange and bring fresh inspiration to the local scene, by assembling a collection of the most creative photobooks from all over the world in one exhibition.

There are two categories: Published Photobook and Photobook Maquette

Deadline: 30 June 2020



Call for Entries: A Thousand Cranes

Sing Lit Station (SLS) and the Asia Pacific Hospice Palliative Care Network (APHN) are working together on an anthology that aims to increase awareness and appreciation of palliative care in the Asia Pacific region. Everyone living in the Asia Pacific region who has been touched by the benefits of palliative care is welcome to submit their poetry for inclusion in this anthology.

Deadline: 30 June 2020



National Gallery Singapore open call for Gallery Children’s Biennale

This Open Call invites Singaporean and Permanent Resident artists to submit a concept for an art installation in the Gallery Children’s Biennale 2021 exhibition, which will take place at National Gallery Singapore from May 2021 to March 2022. The third edition of the festival aims to showcase a series of digital artworks that explore the subject of Why Art Matters, through art and ideas inspired by and created with children.

Deadline: 6 July 2020



Call for applications: SEAΔ 2021

SEAΔ is a program co-created by Mekong Cultural Hub and British Council which creates space for cultural practitioners to reflect on how their work in arts and culture can contribute to sustainable development within South East Asia through their individual and collective leadership. Each year we will select 10 Fellows from 10 countries: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, Taiwan and the United Kingdom.

The program has 4 main gatherings spread over a one-year period where Fellows get together. Each gathering takes place in a different country and has a unique purpose: exchange, create, share then reflect.

Deadline: 15 July 2020



Open for Submissions: 2021 Epigram Books Fiction Prize

Do you have a great story that you’ve always wanted to publish? Why not submit your manuscript for the next edition of the Epigram Books Fiction Prize (EBFP)? Open to writers from all ASEAN countries. While manuscripts have to be in English, new original translations of non-English works can also be submitted.

Deadline: 1 August 2020



Open Call for Theatre Arts Conference 2021

SDEA invites proposal applications responding to the theme of Creative Disruption: Exploring New Ground for its next edition of the Theatre Arts Conference, which runs from 27 to 30 May 2021.

Deadline: 14 August 2020, 11.59pm



Call for Entries: Poetry anthology on pain

Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé and Eric Tinsay Valles are looking for poems for a new anthology, Atelier of Healing: Poetry About Trauma and Recovery.

Deadline: 2 October 2020



Open Call: Tentacles 2020 Artist in Residence  [Thailand]

Bangkok-based art space Tentacles is looking for artists, designers, researchers and creators of all disciplines to apply for its AIR programme. This programme is for creators who aim to develop new body of works, conduct research or experiment and focus on their practice.

Duration: 2 – 3 months
No. of Artists: 1-3
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Tentacles is a self-sustaining, official non-profit organisation which is not able to offer free or sponsored residencies. Residency fees for fully funded or grant receiver is THB 32,000 (~USD960).




Call for Submissions: The Tiger Moth Review

The Tiger Moth Review, a new and independent eco-conscious journal from Singapore, is calling for submissions of poetry, prose, art and photography that emphasises the connections between “human activity and the environment that produces it”, work that displays an “awareness of ecology and concerns over environmental disaster” (“Ecopoetics”, Poetry Foundation).

They are looking for work that is eco-conscious and critical, work that celebrates the beauty/ bounty of nature, work that is cognisant, curious and contemplative of the relationships between humanity, modernity, cultures and the environments in which we live in or imagine ourselves to inhabit.

Submissions for Issue 5 (Jan 20201) now open.





TOY Factory: Stage Manager & Production Managers

TOY Factory is looking for stage managers and production managers for its 2021 shows.



STPI: Senior Instructor (Education & Outreach Programmes)

The Senior Instructor is responsible for working closely with the Outreach Executive to deliver a diverse and dynamic public program for schools as well as members of the public, with the aim of promoting STPI as a venue for learning and participation.



Drama Box: Company Director

Socially-engaged theatre company Drama Box is looking to hire an inspirational, passionate and creative Company Director to work alongside the Artistic Directors to strategically and operationally lead the company, playing a key role in shaping and achieving the company’s plans. This individual will oversee and manage Drama Box’s day-to-day affairs, be accountable for the financial, partnerships, fundraising and overall operations of the company.

Deadline: 19 June 2020



Singapore International Film Festival Ltd: Business Development Executive

Responsibilities include:

– Assist the Business Development Manager in execution of the Festival’s sponsorship and partnership strategy to achieve fundraising targets.
– Assist to establish, manage and grow relationships with existing and new sponsors and donors, including fulfilment of sponsorship entitlements and deliverables in a timely manner.
– Support in the smooth running and execution of all sponsor-related and fundraising-related activities.

Deadline: 19 June 2020



National Library Board: Associate Librarian (Singapore & South East Asia)

You will be part of the team that develops core national and reference collections, in particular on Singapore and Southeast Asia, and to deliver a comprehensive suite of information products and services to meet the research, information and knowledge needs of library patrons, thereby contributing to NLB’s vision and mission.

Applications close: 19 June 2020



Singapore International Film Festival Ltd: Marketing Manager

This individual will undertake responsibilities related to marketing and branding, communications, media relations, partnerships and reporting.

Deadline: 25 June 2020



National Arts Council: Assistant Manager (Precinct Development) (May 2020 – Apr 2021)

Responsibilities include:

– Assist the Facilities Management team in the areas of Facilities Management of NAC Arts Centres, Performing Arts Venues, and Arts Housing Properties

– Manage and supervise the Managing Agents and Contractors in daily operation and ensure they perform their services as per agreed KPIs

– Assist in drafting the contract specifications and coordinating tendering and evaluation processes

– Plan, schedule and track project timelines

Applications close: 25 June 2020



Senior Manager/ Manager/ Assistant Manager (Arts and Heritage)

You will play a part in shaping Singapore’s arts and heritage landscape, and creating an environment conducive to excellence in the sector, developing connections between Singaporeans, and positioning Singapore globally through culture. You will support MCCY’s efforts to contribute to a caring people, a cohesive society, and a confident and united nation. You will develop specialist knowledge of and monitor trends and developments in the arts and heritage sector, including adjustments required as a result of COVID-19.

Applications close: 28 June 2020



National Heritage Board: #SGUnitedJobs Assistant Manager / Manager (Digital Services), Contract Position

NHB is looking for tech savvy individuals to champion its Museums and Heritage Institutions’ new digital initiatives over the next 24 months. Working together with other talented individuals and guided by the NHB’s Digital+ Committee, you will get the opportunity to realise digital strategies through working with multiple stakeholders such as the Curatorial, Audience, Marketing & Communications and IT teams, together with divisions in the National Heritage Board.

Applications close: 28 June 2020



National Arts Council: Manager/Senior Manager (Digital Strategy)

As part of the Digital Strategy team, you will be instrumental in driving digital transformation efforts, both within the Council and across the culture sector. You should have strong strategic thinking and project management skills, working closely with internal and external stakeholders to achieve NAC’s objectives of (a) growing digitally engaged audiences, (b) supporting digitally confident artists, and (c) nurturing digitally mature staff.

Applications close: 30 June 2020



NTU CCA: Assistant Director, Research & Academic Programmes

NTU Centre for Contemporary Art is looking for someone to focus on research management and grant management.



ArtScience Museum: Technical Manager

The new role of Technical Manager will provide technical leadership across the museum’s exhibitions, programmes and events, as well as managing the team who take care of the museum building. The ideal post-holder will be an experienced manager and a good team leader, as well as having significant technical expertise in audio visual installations and / or art installation. The Technical Manager will be energetic, enthusiastic and technically confident. They will advocate for new technologies within the museum, and provide guidance on the existing technological systems.

The Technical Manager will be a key member of the Museum Services department, which is led by the Senior Manager & Conservator of ArtScience Museum. Museum Services is core to the work of the museum, supporting all the museum’s departments – Exhibitions, Programmes, Business Development and Administration. The Technical Manager will also play a crucial role in the museum’s daily operations. Leading a team of technicians, the post-holder will ensure that the museum building, and its technical procedures and practices, meet expected international museum standards and align with the policies and directives of Marina Bay Sands.



Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts: Adjunct Lecturer, Theatre Programme

Roles and Responsibilities include:
– Manage and deliver the module Voice 4 (Mastering Your Voice) for a total of 8 teaching hours per week beginning in March 2020
– Maintain records to monitor student progress, performance and attendance
– Supervise and assess students’ assignments



Singapore Art Museum: Curator, Digital

Responsibilities include:

– Contribute to the development of digital technology projects and programming in support of institutional policies and goals.
– Curate exhibitions and artwork commissions, develop collaborative and cross-disciplinary projects.
– Work closely with museum colleagues and external/technology partners to realise projects, including conceptualisation, development, negotiations and coordination.



National Library Board: Assistant Manager / Manager (National Reading Movement)

The National Reading Movement (NRM) is a 5-year campaign by the National Library Board (NLB) to encourage all to Read More, Read Widely and Read Together. As part of the NRM team, the job holder will support the Programme Director in the planning and execution of the integrated marketing communications campaign, and work closely with stakeholders to promote the NRM. The job holder will be responsible for the execution of marketing communication strategies for NRM, with specific emphasis on the digital marketing aspects, in order to drive awareness and conversions to key audiences.

Applications close: 12 July 2020



National Gallery Singapore: Manager (Integrated Marketing)

Responsibilities include:
• Develop and execute integrated marketing campaigns for changing exhibitions, programmes and key events through storytelling and content marketing across multi-channel platforms
• Develop campaigns with focus on digital and social media engagement with the target audience.
• Manage marketing and communications collaterals
• Develop and execute media events such as press conferences and familiarisation tours.

National Gallery Singapore: Freelance book editor (project-based) 

National Gallery Singapore is planning an exhibition of Singapore artists. There will be six artists featured in the show and we are publishing a book on each of the artists. Each publication will comprise in-depth, scholarly content in the form of essays, image plates and possibly other material. The six publications will be published as a series and need to be ready when the exhibition opens. The exhibition is currently slated to open in March 2021.

More vacancies in the link below.



Republic Polytechnic: Lecturer (Sonic Arts)

Job Responsibilities include:

– Develop and teach modules related to Sound Design & Foley Arts, Game Audio Programming, ‘Live’ Sound for Events or Theatre, Instrument Design, Audio Post-Production, Location Sound Recording, Music Production, Music Theory
– Attend lesson briefings as required by your subject/module manager
– Supervise students in portfolio development, final year projects and internship



SOTA: Teacher, Faculty of  Visual Arts

Responsibilities include:

– Development and delivery of curriculum to a range of visual arts classes of different levels and technical proficiencies. The curriculum includes both studio practice and theory and history of art.
– Monitoring and evaluation of student progress, including providing useful and timely feedback to students and other stakeholders.
– Preparation and conduct of assessment of student learning

More roles available in the link below.



SOTA: Subject Head, Faculty of Visual Arts

The Subject Head of the Visual Arts faculty plays an important role in providing quality and rigorous art education by working closely with the Head in leading and developing the faculty towards nurturing students’ abilities in seeing and creating meaningful connections through a diversity of artistic processes and expressions.

Responsibilities include:

– Development and delivery of curriculum to a range of visual arts classes of different levels and technical proficiencies. The curriculum includes both studio practice and theory and history of art.

– Monitoring and evaluation of student progress, including providing useful and timely feedback to students and other stakeholders.

– Preparation and conduct of assessment of student learning.

ArtsEquator Lobang: Open Calls and Job Opportunities (Singapore/SEA) is presented by ArtsEquator.

Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers’ websites. ArtsEquator shall have no liability for the accuracy of the information and cannot be held liable for any third-party claims or losses of any damages.

If you have an open call or a job opportunity you’d like us to highlight, please email contact[at]

About the author(s)

Nabilah Said

Nabilah Said is an award-winning playwright, editor and cultural commentator. She is also an artist who works with text across various artforms and formats. Her plays have been staged in Singapore and London, including ANGKAT, which won Best Original Script at the 2020 Life Theatre Awards. Nabilah is the former editor of ArtsEquator.

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