Open calls and job opportunities

Open Calls and Opportunities: July 2020 (Singapore/SEA)

ArtsEquator Lobang is a list of available open calls, job postings and other opportunities open to people from Singapore and Southeast Asia. “Lobang”, a Malay word for “hole”, is used in Singlish as a shorthand for an opportunity, valuable contact or a tip.

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Info & Resources | Open Calls | Jobs

Info & Resources

Note: Info on reliefs, grants and packages by the Singapore government can be found here

[Application window extended] [Singapore] Arts and Culture Resilience Package: Digital Presentation Grant for the Arts (DPG)

Under the Digitalisation Fund, NAC will support the arts and culture organisations’ and practitioners’ efforts to enhance the digitalisation of their work. The Digital Presentation Grant (DPG) is a time-limited scheme that aims to support efforts by artists and arts organisations to present their work in digital form or via digital mediums, during this COVID-19 period.

The application window will be extended to 14 Sept 2020 (5pm). Proposed projects are to be completed by 31 March 2021.

Successful applicants may receive up to $20,000 per project.


[Application window extended] [Singapore] Arts and Culture Resilience Package (ACRP): Capability Development Scheme for the Arts (CDSA)

The National Arts Council (NAC) will provide a one-time Capability Development Scheme for the Arts (CDSA) for eligible arts organisations and individuals to encourage upskilling, and grow organisational capabilities.

The application window will be extended to 14 Sept 2020 (5pm). Proposed training programmes are to be completed by 31 March 2021.

NAC lists courses here. For freelancers, Arts Resource Hub has a list of some training areas and suggested courses here.



[Singapore] Pasar Glamour Art Aid

Pasar Glamour Art Aid is opening up another round of applications for Singaporean & PR self-employed (SEP) or freelance practitioners working in the performing arts sector, who have suffered loss of income due to cancelled or postponed projects arising from Covid-19 measures. Previously successful applicants of Pasar Glamour Art Aid may not re-apply.

Deadline: 17 July 2020


[Singapore] National Arts Council’s (NAC) COVID-19 Impact on Arts Freelancers Survey

NAC is conducting a survey (administered by KANTAR) to better understand the impact of COVID-19 on arts Self-Employed Persons (SEPs)/ freelancers working in the arts and culture sector.

Deadline: 20 July 2020


[Singapore] ArtsWok wants to hear from artists

Arts-based community development organisation ArtsWok Collaborative wants to hear from community-engaged artists, creatives or producers, on your experiences during this pandemic. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t been able to practice during this time, please share reflections you might have anyway about your practice, or new questions that have arisen. These experiences might be shared with other practitioners as well as with the wider public as a form of collective support.

Deadline: 24 July 2020


[Malaysia] Arts Organisation Resilience Funding Programme

Arts Organisation Resilience Funding Programme provides support to registered artistic organisations, associations and societies across the performing arts, visual arts and independent music sectors for arts continuity, development for resilience and supporting sustainability. The aim of the funding programme includes supporting practice and operations of Malaysian arts organisations nationwide. Arts Organisation Resilience Funding Programme supports up to RM 150,000 per arts organisation for the

Opens: 17 July 2020


[Malaysia] Art in the City Public Art Commissioning Programme

Art in the City Public Art Commissioning Programme is an initiative to make art a part of our urban spaces and bring arts closer to Malaysians. It aims to achieve this by commissioning public art/ community arts-based programmes that present public arts engagement in spaces where Malaysians live, work and play.

Opens: 28 July 2020


[Singapore] Self-Employed Person Income Relief Scheme (SIRS)

The government has announced a relief scheme for self-employed persons, including arts freelancers. Applications and appeals are managed by NTUC, and will be made online on 20 April 2020.


[Singapore] Sing Lit Station HALP Fund

The HALP Fund is a discretionary fund used by Sing Lit Station to support literary arts practitioners in the creation and presentation of their work in any form. It also aims to provide subsistence funds during tough times. The maximum quantum will be $500 per application. Applications will be held year-round until 31 March 2021 or until funds are fully disbursed, whichever comes first.


[Singapore] SAMPP COVID-19 Relief Fund

Singapore Association of Motion Picture Professionals are offering grants for filmmakers and others in the film industry.


[Singapore] Free legal clinics for arts practitioners

Law Society Pro Bono Services are running free legal clinics for freelancers working in the creative, arts, and cultural industry. These sessions are a one-off 30min session, provided pro bono, to take place online.


An online initiative to amplify the work of Singapore artists during this time, such as livestreams, online concerts, recordings and other initiatives.


[Singapore] Resources aggregated by Singapore Drama Educators Association


[Singapore] SkillsFuture Top-Up

Adult Singaporeans aged 25 and above will receive a one-off $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up. Eligible individuals can start using the additional credit from 1 October 2020. Singaporeans aged 40 to 60 will receive a special $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up. This will be over and above the $500 SkillsFuture Credit top-up for Singapore Citizens aged 25 and above. Eligible individuals can start using the SkillsFuture Credit provided under this package from 1 October 2020, on about 200 career transition programmes offered by the Continuing Education and Training (CET) Centres.


[Singapore]  Self-Employed Persons Training Support Scheme

All Self-Employed Persons will be entitled to between $7.50-$11 an hour of training allowance for SkillsFuture series courses and selected sector-specific training programmes. This will be administered by NTUC.

More info can be found here.

[Singapore] Singapore Unbound Relief Fund (SURF)

Singapore Unbound has decided to postpone this year’s writing fellowships to Southeast Asia and to commit the funds instead to aid Singaporean writers badly affected by the shutdowns. Creative writers, whether they are Singapore citizens living anywhere in the world or Permanent Residents of Singapore, may apply for a USD200/SGD280 grant from the Singapore Unbound Relief Fund with no strings attached. This fund is specifically intended to help those in dire need of immediate help. Donations to this fund are also welcome.

Open for application now.


[Singapore] Survey on Current Practices in Theatre

A working group of theatre practitioners are drafting a paper on good practices and/or a code of conduct in theatre, with the intent of advocating for better practices in the theatre industry in Singapore.

They are calling for freelancers to fill in this survey.

Join the Facebook Group here.

[Singapore] SG COVID-19 Creative/Cultural Professionals & Freelancers Support Group

A Facebook support group sharing tips, resources and information for creative and cultural workers.


[Singapore] ArtsComm

Online forum and Facebook Group for members of the arts community in Singapore.

COVID-19 and Freelance Artists

An aggregated list of free resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines worldwide.


Open Calls

[NEW] Open Call: Malay Heritage Centre is looking for Banjar stories

Do you have any information to share about Kampong Banjar, Kampong Intan as well as other Banjar settlements in Singapore, like Kampong Somapah or the various Kampongs in the Changi area? The Malay Heritage Centre is on the lookout for stories and objects about the places where Banjar families in Singapore used to live and work, to be featured as part of an upcoming exhibition later this year.


[NEW] Call for applications: Open Call – Networking Travel to Germany

The Goethe-Institut is thrilled to launch an initiative that will enable both established and emerging founders, leaders, and managers of art spaces from Southeast Asia, Australia, and New Zealand to network with counterparts in Germany. Focusing on art spaces and collaborative projects, this program aims to create an environment in which every participant can thrive and unlock their full potential, which in turn will finally lead to a long-term exchange and cooperation among its participants.

Participants must:

– be based in one of these countries: Australia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, The Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

– have previously founded/led/managed and/or are currently working in the Art space
– have previously been involved and/or are currently working in collaborative artistic projects
– be strongly interested in pursuing the sustainability of Art spaces and other artistic projects
– be eager to engage in dialogue and willing to empathize with people with diverse backgrounds and perspectives
– communicate well in English

ONLINE MEETINGS | 20 September – 10 October 2020

MEET UP AND SITE VISIT in Berlin, Germany | Spring/Summer 2021

Deadline: 31 August 2020, 5pm



[NEW] Call for applications: The Wright Stuff Festival 2021 by TOY Factory Productions

The Wright Stuff is a playwright incubation-mentorship programme that aims to stage 3 new plays, by 3 new playwrights under the mentorship of Toy Factory Productions Ltd Chief Artistic Director, Goh Boon Teck. This season, The Wright Stuff Festival focuses on the theme: “Inwards.” Submitted scripts/work-in-progress should relatively demonstrate the stories of self-
reflection, community and/or humanity.

Deadline: 24 September 2020, 5pm (Singapore time)



ArtsEquator’s Reviewing Courses – Open for applications

ArtsEquator has just launched three programmes for reviewing:

ArtsEquator Introduction to Reviewing Dance: 24 Aug – 14 Sep 2020. Every Thursday from 7.30pm – 9.30pm. Deadline: 27 July

ArtsEquator Introduction to Reviewing Books: 8 Oct – 5 Nov 2020. Every Thursday from 7.30pm – 9pm. Deadline: 15 August

ArtsEquator Introduction to Reviewing Theatre: 6 Oct – 3 Nov 2020. Every Tuesday from 7.30pm – 9pm. Deadline: 15 August

Participation is FREE. Open to Singaporean citizens and PR only. Eligible participants can apply for the CDSA training allowance from NAC. Spaces are limited.



Permisi 7th Edition – Open for applications

The 7th edition of Permisi: Open Stage is happening on 24 Julyy 2020. Permisi is a non-curated programme for anyone to share or collect feedback for any brewing idea or creation with our larger community. This open programme is designed for of all levels of training and experience.



Call for pitches: so-far Issue 4: Platforms

so-far is a platform for both emerging and established writers which publishes long-form writing, deep dialogues, or experimental formats from letter-writing, speculative fiction, creative non-fiction, ekphrastic poetry, and more. It is calling for pitches for its next issue now.



Call for content

National Youth Council and Creative Nation Singapore are looking for content creators for a new content channel to develop opportunities and jobs during and post circuit breaker. Payment will be between SGD100-150 for content between 10 to 35 minutes long.



Open Call: Gallery Light-Up

In conjunction with Singapore’s 55th birthday celebrations in August 2020, National Gallery Singapore will be lighting up its façade in colour, with the central veiled canopy containing a rotating projection between 24 July to 30 August 2020.

This Open Call invites Singapore-based visual artists to respond to the National Collection with a submission of an original 2D digital artwork for the rotating projection as part of Gallery Light Up. Applications should include a brief write-up on the choice of artwork from the National Collection that had inspired the submitted digital artwork.

Selected digital artworks will be projected onto the Padang Atrium Canopy of National Gallery Singapore from 24 July – 30 August, from 7pm to 12am daily, as part of Gallery Light Up.

Deadline: 20 July 2020



Open Call: Tokyo-Bangkok collaboration series by F/T and BIPAM

Since the COVID-19 crisis, humans have been forced to reduce their interactions to a minimal level. Instead of perceiving someone or something with five senses all at once, it seems that senses are now delivered divided and fragmented through different devices or media, and the individual must figure out their own way to artificially compose them to make the unreal “real”.

F/T and BIPAM present an online international collaboration that explores this phenomenon. Each city will select 3 artists to form a working group. Each group will present the other group from the other city the five senses that are unique or characteristic of their city: sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste. All participants will also have the opportunities to continue the collaboration in the long term.

They’re looking for:
1. Creators x 3
– Artists and creators in any field
– Based in Bangkok
– Under 35 years of age

2. Japanese-Thai Interpreter/Coordinator x 1

Deadline: 31 July 2020



Open for Submissions: 2021 Epigram Books Fiction Prize

Do you have a great story that you’ve always wanted to publish? Why not submit your manuscript for the next edition of the Epigram Books Fiction Prize (EBFP)? Open to writers from all ASEAN countries. While manuscripts have to be in English, new original translations of non-English works can also be submitted.

Deadline: 1 August 2020



The Objectifs Short Film Incubator 2020

The Objectifs Short Film Incubator is a new initiative presented by Objectifs in partnership with Momo Film Co that focuses on developing short film scripts. The programme is open to Southeast Asian filmmakers working with moving image, and will provide five selected participants with mentorship and a valuable support network as they work on their scripts. The inaugural Objectifs Short Film Incubator will run from 1 to 25 Sept 2020. It will be held entirely online.

Deadline: 8 August 2020



Open Call for Theatre Arts Conference 2021

SDEA invites proposal applications responding to the theme of Creative Disruption: Exploring New Ground for its next edition of the Theatre Arts Conference, which runs from 27 to 30 May 2021.

Deadline: 14 August 2020, 11.59pm



Call for submissions: Singapore International Film Festival SGIFF 2020 

Singapore International Film Festival (SGIFF) has been a key cultural institution for film appreciation in Singapore. Over the last 30 editions, it has built a strong following of film lovers and filmmakers who are committed to supporting the Festival. The 31st SGIFF returns 26 Nov – 6 Dec 2020.

Submissions are welcome for the following programmes:

SGIFF welcomes Asian films and Southeast Asian Shorts to be part of its Competition section and Official Selection. Learn more

A story development lab for feature-length screenplays open to emerging filmmakers from Southeast Asia. Learn more

A workshop that seeks to nurture a new generation of critical writers on Asian and Southeast Asian cinema for youths in Singapore. Learn more

Deadline: 24 August 2020



Open Call: HIAP | Long-distance & Land-Based Trans-Siberian railway trip

HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme launches a call for participants for a Long-distance & Land-Based | Trans-Siberian railway trip. The application is open to anyone interested in questions related to travelling, active in the field of art, research and with an interest in ecological and environmental questions.

With the aim of finding tools, mapping and testing options as well as solutions for travelling we are looking for participants for an east-bound trip from Finland going through Russia (and China) to Japan. The group will plan the trip starting from Helsinki together – deciding the amount of stops, activities and duration – but it is good to keep in mind that the travel will take at least one and a half months.

The group will be formed in September 2020 and the trip is to be planned, dependent on the situation for the year 2021-2022.

Deadline: 31 August 2020




Pameran Poskad: Open Call

Pameran Poskad 2020 is a gathering of postcard-sized artworks exhibited by internationally renowned artists, alongside masterpieces created by hobbyists and laymen. Anyone can be an artist! In its seventh edition, about 4,000 pieces of artwork by over 400 participating artists from Singapore and around the world will be jointly exhibited at a public gallery, with workshops and artwork sales from $10 to $1000.

Pameran Poskad (meaning ‘postcard exhibition’ in Malay) is a community art exhibition that shares the joy of experiencing art as creators, appreciators, and collectors.

Deadline: 1 October 2020



Call for Entries: Poetry anthology on pain

Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingdé and Eric Tinsay Valles are looking for poems for a new anthology, Atelier of Healing: Poetry About Trauma and Recovery.

Deadline: 2 October 2020



Open Call: Tentacles 2020 Artist in Residence  [Thailand]

Bangkok-based art space Tentacles is looking for artists, designers, researchers and creators of all disciplines to apply for its AIR programme. This programme is for creators who aim to develop new body of works, conduct research or experiment and focus on their practice.

Duration: 2 – 3 months
No. of Artists: 1-3
Location: Bangkok, Thailand

Tentacles is a self-sustaining, official non-profit organisation which is not able to offer free or sponsored residencies. Residency fees for fully funded or grant receiver is THB 32,000 (~USD960).




Call for Submissions: The Tiger Moth Review

The Tiger Moth Review, a new and independent eco-conscious journal from Singapore, is calling for submissions of poetry, prose, art and photography that emphasises the connections between “human activity and the environment that produces it”, work that displays an “awareness of ecology and concerns over environmental disaster” (“Ecopoetics”, Poetry Foundation).

They are looking for work that is eco-conscious and critical, work that celebrates the beauty/ bounty of nature, work that is cognisant, curious and contemplative of the relationships between humanity, modernity, cultures and the environments in which we live in or imagine ourselves to inhabit.

Submissions for Issue 5 (Jan 20201) now open.





NTU CCA: Assistant Director, Research & Academic Programmes

NTU Centre for Contemporary Art is looking for someone to focus on research management and grant management.



National Gallery Singapore: Curator/Assistant Curator/Curatorial Assistant

The Curator/Assistant Curator/Curatorial Assistant will contribute to the development and implementation of the Gallery’s exhibitions, acquisitions and related programmes on ink media, with an emphasis on the 19th and 20th centuries.

More vacancies in the link below.



Singapore Art Museum: Curator, Digital

Responsibilities include:

– Contribute to the development of digital technology projects and programming in support of institutional policies and goals.
– Curate exhibitions and artwork commissions, develop collaborative and cross-disciplinary projects.
– Work closely with museum colleagues and external/technology partners to realise projects, including conceptualisation, development, negotiations and coordination.



National Arts Council: Assistant Manager, Singapore Writers Festival (Marketing) (Aug – Dec 2020)

The Singapore Writers Festival (SWF) is organised by the National Arts Council, and the annual festival takes place in the first two weeks of November. In past editions, the festival has featured more than 250 authors annually with more than 250 events across 10 days in venues across the Civic District. This year, SWF will take audiences on a different type of Festival journey as we present our offerings digitally. Join the marketing team and help promote the Festival as well as create a unique and seamless user experience for festival attendees.

Applications close: 21 July 2020



National Arts Council: Manager / Assistant Manager , Sector Development (Visual Arts) (1 year fixed term contract)

You will promote and develop the Singapore Visual Arts sector through talent and business incentive schemes, and programme development for the growth of the industry.

Responsibilities include:

– To keep abreast of international trends and developments so as to contribute ideas towards programme and industry development;

–  To serve as a point of contact for the visual arts community and industry, to be networked and apprised of related events and developments

– To assist in formulating policy and recommendations for the benefit of the visual art sector

Applications close: 23 July 2020



National Heritage Board: Chief Conservator/ Deputy Director (Conservation Services), Heritage Conservation Centre

The Heritage Conservation Centre (HCC), an institution under the National Heritage Board, is the repository and conservation facility for the management and preservation of Singapore’s National Collection.

You should be an experienced candidate with strong managerial, leadership and communication skills to lead the centre’s Conservation Services Department. Reporting to the Director of HCC, you should have a significant record of professional accomplishments which would include publications and research. Bringing vision, expertise and energy, you shall anticipate HCC’s future needs and design effective systems for meeting these needs with regard to conservation and care of the National Collection.

Applications close: 25 July 2020



Singapore Tourism Board: Contract Project Manager, Arts (11-months)

Responsibilities include:

– Formulate strategies and new initiatives which maximise tourism value-add and competitiveness of the arts and creative industries.
– Grow a strong pipeline of art experiences with tourism appeal and which positions Singapore as a vibrant arts city supporting destination attractiveness.
– Drive business negotiations and facilitate partnership discussions of strategic projects, and manage and oversee the progress of these projects.

Applications close: 26 July 2020



Republic Polytechnic: School of Technology for the Arts – Lecturer (Sonic Arts)

Responsibilities include:

– Develop and teach modules related to Sound Design & Foley Arts, Game Audio Programming, ‘Live’ Sound for Events or Theatre, Instrument Design, Audio Post-Production, Location Sound Recording, Music Production, Music Theory
– Attend lesson briefings as required by your subject/module manager
– Supervise students in portfolio development, final year projects and internship

Applications close: 27 July 2020



National Heritage Board: Assistant Manager/ Manager, Education & Community Outreach

The Education and Community Outreach (ECO) is a division in the National Heritage Board that promotes the awareness of and engagement with heritage. We strive to spark an interest in, and encourage greater exploration and ownership of Singapore’s heritage amongst Singaporeans. As part of the HeritageCares and Volunteer Engagement team, you will engage stakeholders to promote HeritageCares programmes to the underserved audiences as well as develop strategies to create volunteering opportunities and better engage our volunteers.

Applications close: 28 July 2020



National Arts Council: Manager, Policy and Planning (Strategic Planning)

As a member of the Policy and Planning team, the Manager, Policy and Planning (Strategic Planning) is responsible for policy developments and reviews, performance management and secretariat duties. This includes liaising with MCCY, Board Members, external stakeholders and cross-departmental work to ensure smooth processes.

Responsibilities include:

– To develop robust arts and culture policies for Singapore’s art ecosystem, including the development of new policy initiatives, and review of existing policy initiatives to ensure relevance to the development and needs of Singapore’s arts landscape

– Involved in performance management work to strengthen NAC’s internal processes, such as the Organisational Balanced Scorecard and review of frameworks

Applications close: 29 July 2020



National Arts Council: Digital Manager (Arts Resource Hub)


To work as part of a team to develop resources for arts freelancers comprising an online platform and physical resources in the following ways:

– Oversee the setting up and continuous improvements and developments of the online platform, ensuring project milestones and outcomes are met, and testing the online platform for usability

–  Align the online platform and content with the overall objective, strategy and direction of the Resource Centre

–  Devise a web content management strategy for the online platform

–  Manage the overall marketing of the online platform and content which will include digital engagement/marketing and when needed other non-digital methods of engagement.

Applications close: 29 July 2020



LASALLE College of the Arts: Programme Leader: Diploma in Fine Arts

The McNally School of Fine Arts, which resides within the Faculty of Fine Arts, Media & Creative Industries seeks to appoint a Programme Leader for the Diploma in Fine Arts programme. Reporting to the Dean of the Faculty and Head of the McNally School of Fine Arts, you will also be responsible for the academic leadership and management of the programme with the aim to achieve students’ learning outcomes.

Your key responsibilities will include overseeing the curriculum and its continuing development, the planning and co-ordination of classes and managing students’ projects and exhibitions relevant to the programme. You will ensure high levels of quality assurance to meet the academic standards of the validating partner and the College. You will also manage the programme efficiently within the allotted resources and budget, which includes selection and management of part-time staff and a range of visiting artists.

Applications close: 31 July 2020



Institute of Technical Production: Lecturer – Performance Production

As a Lecturer, your contributions go beyond teaching and facilitating learning. You play a critical role in recognising and nurturing your students’ potential and their lifelong learning needs. In addition, you will carry out industry or consultancy projects to help you remain relevant in your profession and to evolving changes in industry, and maintain strong linkages with industry and schools. You will also have the opportunity to have industry attachments or experience on a regular basis to update your skills, knowledge and practices of your profession. Those with good and relevant experience can look forward to Senior Lecturer or equivalent positions, with career development opportunities to leadership positions in the Colleges or Headquarters.

Applications close: 27 Aug 2020



SOTA: Teacher, Faculty of  Visual Arts

Responsibilities include:

– Development and delivery of curriculum to a range of visual arts classes of different levels and technical proficiencies. The curriculum includes both studio practice and theory and history of art.
– Monitoring and evaluation of student progress, including providing useful and timely feedback to students and other stakeholders.
– Preparation and conduct of assessment of student learning

More roles available in the link below.



SOTA: Subject Head, Faculty of Visual Arts

The Subject Head of the Visual Arts faculty plays an important role in providing quality and rigorous art education by working closely with the Head in leading and developing the faculty towards nurturing students’ abilities in seeing and creating meaningful connections through a diversity of artistic processes and expressions.

Responsibilities include:

– Development and delivery of curriculum to a range of visual arts classes of different levels and technical proficiencies. The curriculum includes both studio practice and theory and history of art.

– Monitoring and evaluation of student progress, including providing useful and timely feedback to students and other stakeholders.

– Preparation and conduct of assessment of student learning.

ArtsEquator Lobang: Open Calls and Job Opportunities (Singapore/SEA) is presented by ArtsEquator.

Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers’ websites. ArtsEquator shall have no liability for the accuracy of the information and cannot be held liable for any third-party claims or losses of any damages.

If you have an open call or a job opportunity you’d like us to highlight, please email contact[at]

About the author(s)

Nabilah Said

Nabilah Said is an award-winning playwright, editor and cultural commentator. She is also an artist who works with text across various artforms and formats. Her plays have been staged in Singapore and London, including ANGKAT, which won Best Original Script at the 2020 Life Theatre Awards. Nabilah is the former editor of ArtsEquator.

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