
Bernice is an artist, performer, writer, and dance practitioner. She delves into the entanglements between making art and living life (@bleelly). She is co-director of Rolypoly Family / Derring-Do Dance with Faye Lim (@rolypolyfamilysg) and has a joint practice with theatre practitioner Chong Gua Khee (@tactilitystudies). Her love of language has led her to writing about dance, and working with poets and spoken word artists. She has written for FiveLines since 2017; her dance writing has also featured in ArtsEquator and the Straits Times. An Associate Member of Dance Nucleus (2018-2021), Dance Artist with Maya Dance Theatre and Frontier Danceland (2011-2017), Bernice holds a BFA (Hons) in Dance from The Ohio State University. She is an MA Fine Arts candidate at Lasalle College of the Arts and is rooted in Singapore.

Bernie Ng

Progress at work: “Forward Shift” at da:ns festival

By Bernice Lee (1,507 words, 7-minute read) Forward Shift, a new platform for works-in-progress within Esplanade’s da:ns festival, begins with much fanfare. Members of the public were treated to three performance experiments featuring artists whose artistic and audience development have been supported steadily at #mydurian.  In What She Said, choreographer Raka Maitra and music composer […]

Progress at work: “Forward Shift” at da:ns festival Read More »

K(-A-)O by Kenji Shinohe (Photo by Bernie Ng)
Bernie Ng

“Asian Festivals Exchange” at M1 Contact Contemporary Dance Festival 2018

By Bernice Lee (1300 words, five-minute read) “Asian Festivals Exchange” puts together works selected from two East Asian festivals — Yokohama Dance Collection and Seoul Dance Collection — two works performed by T.H.E. Second Company, and a work-in-progress supported by M1 CONTACT Contemporary Dance Festival and Seoul Performing Arts Festival. It is a very full

“Asian Festivals Exchange” at M1 Contact Contemporary Dance Festival 2018 Read More »

Off Stage

“Off Stage” at M1 Contact 2018: Communicating Beyond The Stage

By Bernice Lee (1100 words, six-minute read) M1 Contact Contemporary Dance Festival has become a staple of the contemporary dance scene in Singapore. It has used its resources to bring forward voices, particularly from the region, in an act of affirmation. Balancing local and international artists, bringing in projects mostly of an indie nature, this

“Off Stage” at M1 Contact 2018: Communicating Beyond The Stage Read More »

Choy Ka Fai’s “Dance Clinic”: The Dance Doctor Is In

By Bernice Lee (800 words, 5-minute read) Dance Clinic by Choy Ka Fai is thick with information and ideas. The choreographer performs a trickster role in an artistic approach similar to his previous offerings of SoftMachine (2015). Dance Clinic projects into the future, and digs into the past. It is in conversation with a curated canon of dance, with neuroscience, with

Choy Ka Fai’s “Dance Clinic”: The Dance Doctor Is In Read More »

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