5 Thought-Provoking Articles On Art You Should Be Reading

5 Thought-Provoking Articles On Art You Should Be Reading

The Southeast Asian art scene is a constantly evolving, complex tapestry. If you’re looking to broaden your horizons but have no idea where to start, look no further! A carefully curated selection of arts and culture articles awaits you at ArtsEquator. We’ve picked five of our most riveting and provocative articles for you to get started.

1. To Biennale or Not to Biennale (Part 1 & Part 2) by Sunitha Janamohanan

A two-part essay detailing the origins and rise of the biennale within the context of Malaysia’s aspiration to be known as a world-class international visual arts mega-exhibition destination.

2. What the Arts in Malaysia Needs: More Transparency, Less Intermediaries by Kathy Rowland

A critical examination of what the arts scene in Malaysia requires to thrive after years of neglect and lip service being paid to the arts and culture industry in the country.

3. Transcultural Lullabies: Rohingya and Malay folksongs by Mayyu Ali and Sharon Chin

A unique and meaningful collaborative project between Rohingya poet Mayyu Ali and Malaysian artist Sharon Chin as they share about Rohingya and Malay lullabies and folksongs.

4. Coronalogues, pandemic spectatorship (and the critic) by Nabilah Said and Corrie Tan

An in-depth analysis of how the role of a critic and a spectator of theatre changes due to the shift from a live audience to pandemic spectatorship as examined through the eyes of Nabilah Said and Corrie Tan

5. Pandemic in the Philippines: A cultural sector on its own by Katrina Stuart Santiago

A critical examination of where cultural leadership can be found in the Philippines – in the absence of state-led support in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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