Book review

Book Review: “The State and The Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions”

Commissioned by the Institute of Policy Studies of Singapore (IPS) to trace the course of cultural policy in Singapore from the 1950s to the present, The State and the Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions is a comprehensive tome that should serve as an essential text in time to come for any student’s introduction to Singapore’s

Book Review: “The State and The Arts in Singapore: Policies and Institutions” Read More »


“orbit” by Ethos Books: the gravity and pull of insignificant destinies

“I reached for those insignificant destinies again; the smallest collision of time and incident that throws life out of orbit” – “Stillborn”, Khin Chan Myae Maung A new series by Ethos Books titled “orbit” has launched – a literary space station intended for works of writing that can hold their own despite not meeting the

“orbit” by Ethos Books: the gravity and pull of insignificant destinies Read More »

Ambitious Alignments

Book Review: “Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art, 1945–1990”

A result of a research collaboration organised by the University of Sydney’s Power Institute in partnership with the Institut Teknologi Bandung and National Gallery Singapore, Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art, 1945-1990 is a recently published volume of ten collected essays. It is comparable to an archeological excavation, unearthing and resurfacing forgotten, if

Book Review: “Ambitious Alignments: New Histories of Southeast Asian Art, 1945–1990” Read More »

Book Review: “Writing the Modern: Selected Texts on Art & Art History in Singapore, Malaysia & Southeast Asia”

In the vast firmament of Singaporean-Malaysian art history, no star illuminates as radiantly as T.K. Sabapathy. An art historian by training, Sabapathy initially began his career in the early 1970s by reviewing art and thereafter spent close to half a century doggedly writing art history into being in our corner of the world. Seven years

Book Review: “Writing the Modern: Selected Texts on Art & Art History in Singapore, Malaysia & Southeast Asia” Read More »


Book Review: “Excavations, Interrogations, Krishen Jit & Contemporary Malaysian Theatre”

By Felipe Cervera (1600 words, eight-minute read) Excavations, Interrogations, Krishen Jit & Contemporary Malaysian Theatre, edited by Charlene Rajendran, Ken Takiguchi and Carmen Nge, is a long overdue resource that sheds light on important aspects of the cultural, artistic, and political histories of Malaysian contemporary theatre—and, by extension, some medullar elements of Singaporean theatre too.

Book Review: “Excavations, Interrogations, Krishen Jit & Contemporary Malaysian Theatre” Read More »