
Isaac Lim is a bilingual writer (English & Chinese) and wheelchair-using performer. A graduate of the National University of Singapore’s Theatre Studies programme, he mainly dabbles in writing plays, performance reviews and advertising copy. Isaac was previously seen on stage in Incarnation of the Beast (T:>Works) and on-screen in the film Young & Fabulous (2016). A selection of plays he has written include Between Consciousness (2016), Project Understudy (2016), Go Home (2017), I am Mei (2019) and What is Sex? (2020).

장애예술 – 장애가 아닌 우리의 예술을 보라

아이삭 림은 장애 예술에 관한 온라인 포럼, 우리가 없으면 우리에 대한 것도 없다: 목소리를 만들어 내는 예술가들에 대한 글을 썼습니다. 싱가포르 수어, 한국 수어, 언어 통역과 한국어와 영어 자막이 제공되는 전체 비디오도 보실 수 있습니다. 지금 이 글을 쓰고 있는 사람은 짧은 머리에 안경을 쓴 플러스 사이즈 남성으로, 티와 반바지 차림으로 편하게 입은 채 집필

장애예술 – 장애가 아닌 우리의 예술을 보라 Read More »

"Forked" by Jo Tan

“Forked”: An Asian Crisis

By Isaac Lim (676 words, 6-minute read) Jeanette Peh promotes herself as a ‘star’, with ‘over 500 followers’ on her ‘Stage Whispers’ YouTube channel which promises straight-up, no-holds-barred confessions. Is that the reality, or is she just a wannabe? Jo Tan’s first full-length play, Forked, directed by Chen Yingxuan, is a laugh-a-minute comedy, albeit one that

“Forked”: An Asian Crisis Read More »

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