
Sukhbir Cheema is a writer, cartoonist, and co-founder of the arts & culture community platform Eksentrika which he manages together with his wife, Ista Kyra. He also heads Mashable Southeast Asia.

Sukhbir Cheema adalah seorang penulis, kartunis, dan pengasas bersama platform komuniti seni & budaya Eksentrika yang dikelolanya bersama isterinya, Ista Kyra. Dia juga mengetuai Mashable Southeast Asia.

Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

I Was Afraid Of Critiquing Until I Met A Bunch Of Critics: Reflections on AAMR 2021

When you hear the word “critic”, what image do you conjure? I used to imagine a bespectacled person; bookish, extremely serious, and tough to please. From my point of view back then, critics were people you would find writing or talking about works of art, often or almost always using sophisticated vocabulary and generously peppering […]

I Was Afraid Of Critiquing Until I Met A Bunch Of Critics: Reflections on AAMR 2021 Read More »

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