
Carmen Nge is currently Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Creative Industries, Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR), Malaysia. She has been writing about Malaysian culture, specifically the visual arts, for a variety of publications for more than fifteen years. Her most recent book is Excavations, Interrogations, Krishen Jit & Contemporary Malaysian Theatre, co-edited with Charlene Rajendran and Ken Takiguchi. Carmen teaches broadly in the subject fields of Malaysian media and culture, games design, and creativity in education.

Book Review: “Writing the Modern: Selected Texts on Art & Art History in Singapore, Malaysia & Southeast Asia”

In the vast firmament of Singaporean-Malaysian art history, no star illuminates as radiantly as T.K. Sabapathy. An art historian by training, Sabapathy initially began his career in the early 1970s by reviewing art and thereafter spent close to half a century doggedly writing art history into being in our corner of the world. Seven years

Book Review: “Writing the Modern: Selected Texts on Art & Art History in Singapore, Malaysia & Southeast Asia” Read More »