Austrian singer collaborates with ‘angklung’ musicians at Indonesian Cultural Night in Vienna (via The Jakarta Post)

Angklung musicians featuring Austrian soprano Maria Theresia Gruber staged the song Bengawan Solo at the Indonesian Cultural Night event held at Vienna’s Weltmuseum on Tuesday evening.

Antara reported that the young soprano also sang “Im Prater blühn wieder die Bäume” (The trees are blooming again in the Prater), accompanied by angklung tunes.

Indonesia Cultural Night was held by the Indonesian Embassy in partnership with the Tourism Ministry and Weltmuseum Vienna, an ethnographic museum that houses some of the most important collections of non-European cultures.

Wina Retnosari from the art and cultural relations department of the Indonesian Embassy in Vienna told Antara in London on Wednesday that around 300 guests attended the event. The audience was entertained with dances and a musical performance of Jakarta-based group Ikreasindo. The dances included bajidor kahot, lenggang nyai and rampak kendang.

The audience included ambassadors of countries Indonesia has good diplomatic relationships with, the embassy’s business partners from many international organizations and institutions in Austria, and Indonesian citizens residing in Vienna.


Read the full article via The Jakarta Post.

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