22 – 28 May 2017: Indonesia

Top Picks in Jakarta, Bandung, Yogyakarta, Sleman and Bali from 22-28 May 2017




Menara Ingatan, 24 – 24 May 2017, 8 PM, Teater Kecil, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta

Menara Ingatan, or the Minaret of Memory, is a music-theater performance by Teater Garasi, based on the composition of Yennu Ariendra, which combines drama, performance, visual art, and experimental music. Minaret of Memory presents stories from the history of the traditional Gandrung performance from Banyuwangi that was peppered with violence and stubborn oppositions. For more information, email garasi@teatergarasi.org or contact Mija at +62 821 3677 0900. You can also visit their Facebook page here.



Piano Recital of Maxime Zecchini – Left hand and 2 hands repertoire, Friday, 26 May 2017, 6:30 PM, IFI Auditorium, Jakarta

Maxime Zecchini had the idea of playing a repertoire just with his left hand when he first studied Maurice Ravel’s Concerto pour la Main Gauche. Maxime was very impressed upon hearing how the composition made for one hand sounds like it was played by 2 hands. He then learned the dexterity of the left hand and how it could make a complete sound for a particular composition. In this recital, Maxine plays various repertoires by well-known classic composers such as Chopin and Mozart, some of them with just the left hand. The Recital will be at the IFI Auditorium and free for public. For more information, click here.




Mythologies – The Holy Myth of a Clay, Now – 26 May 2017, Institut Francais Indonesia – Bandung.

Where do beliefs and principles come from? Some argues that they originate in mythologies. Or are there mythologies that we automatically take as principles and facts? In this exhibition, four artists work with Clay to explore mythologies that have been taken as logos or principles and look at them with critical eyes. Mythologies – The Holy Myth of a Clay is exhibited at the main gallery of the Institut Francais Indonesia in Bandung. For more information, click here.




Linier, Monday, 22 May 2017, 7:30 PM, Padepokan Seni Bagong Kussudiardja, Yogyakarta.

Linier is a dance production by Pusat Latihan Tari Bagong Kusuardiardja. Linier presents a re-interpretation of the late Bagong Kussudiardja’s work and spirits. In his works, Bagong investigates various conventions in dance. His works were sometimes called crazy as he created odd pairings of movement and pairings. Come and catch this free performance and witness how different artists interpret his works. For more information on linear, visit psbk.or.id, email media@psbk.or.id, or contact +62 274 414404.




Setan Jawa, 21 May 2017, 8 PM, Auditorium Sanata Dharma, Sleman

Don’t miss this special screening of Setan Jawa, the highly-acclaimed film by Garin Nugroho. The silent film with its accompanying Gamelan live orchestra will grace the screen at Auditorium Sanata Dharma, Sleman. A contemporary dance film inspired by the classic Nosferatu, Setan Jawa explores Indonesian’s pre-orthodox Islamic stories of the deals human made with the devil to gain wealth. For more information and ticket information, visit www.setanjawamovie.com.




Bare Journal Artist Residency Showcase, Now – 20 June 2017, Cata Odata, Bali

Cata Odata’s Bare Journal is a 2-year artist residency that is created to explore the devising of art through a journaling process that is open to public. Through it, Cata Odata opes that there would be a 2-way discussion happening between the public responses and the artists. In the process, the artists are also working towards a devised theater or showcase. This current showcase presents the journal that the artists had created in the last 3 weeks. Audiences are welcome to leave comments and critics on the different journals. For more information and to be part of the process, go to cataodata.com.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events@artsequator.com.

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