18 – 24 December 2017: Indonesia

Top Picks of Indonesia art events in Jakarta and Yogyakarta from 18 – 24 December 2017



Proyek Seni Perempuan Perupa: Tulang Punggung, Now – 15 January 2018, Galeri Cipta III, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta

Jakarta Art Council’s visual art committee is back with another exhibition under the female artist art project series. This year’s series of events presents a theme of “Tulang Punggung” or backbone. This project was started to bring focus and create awareness on female visual artists, as well as to share works that carry female-related themes. As part of “Tulang Punggung”, there will be discussions held on the 21st of December on women in the creative industry and media. All discussions, workshops, and exhibitions will be held at Galeri Cipta III at Taman Ismail Marzuki. For more information on “Tulang Punggung”, click here.


Mère: The Concert, 22 December 2017, 7:30 PM, IFI Thamrin, Jakarta

Celebrate the Indonesian Mother’s Day on the 22 December with Dekat! This mini concert is a celebration of Dekat‘s 3 years of existence and is dedicated not just to mothers, but also to the French electro musicians that has influenced Dekat. This mini concert will be joined by musicians Purple Duck Tape and Klav. Ticket is at IDR 100,000. For more information and registration, click here.



Momento Mori, Now – 19 December 2017, Balai Soedjatmiko Solo

As a creator, Nanang Yulianto expresses the constant dialogue he has with his higher self in his paintings, picturing the abstractions and realities of his soul. This process allows Nanang to have a complete freedom in creating his works. To continue the process, Nanang starts to interpret the strokes he created and found a deeper understanding of his own self, his life, and his purpose as a creator. Momento Mori is a reflection of Nanang Yulianto’s soul. Through his works, Nanang invites members of public to use them as part of their own reflections of their lives. Momento Mori is exhibited in Balai Soedjatmiko Solo until the 19th of December 2017. For more information, click here.



Pameran Mural Komunitas Djamur, 23 December 2017 – 5 January 2018, Bentara Budaya Bali

Opening, 22 December 2017, 6:30 PM

Djamur is a street art community in Bali that started in 2007. Street Art normally takes place on the street and not associated with an exhibition space. But to celebrate its 9th Anniversary, Djamur is holding an unusual exhibition where the creation process will take place throughout the exhibition period within the exhibition space. This exhibition will include mural works, graffiti, sculpture work, and even performance art. The creation process will start at Bentara Budaya Bali on the 22 December 2017 at 6:30 PM. For more information on the exhibition, click here.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events[at]artsequator.com.

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