1 – 7 May 2017: Indonesia

Top Picks in Jakarta, Bandung and Yogyakarta from 1 – 7 May 2017




Unit Produksi Berita, Now – 17 May 2017, Dia.lo.gue artspace, Jakarta

In this exhibition, Nindito Adipurnomo aims to return to the subjective old way of appreciating arts. The process involved 10 friends of Dia.lo.gue with various professional backgrounds. Nindito loaned his artworks to these people for 2 to 3 months and took their feedback, criticism, comments given towards the artwork. Nindito even gathered selfie of people with his artworks. These comments and photos are in return used as sources of inspiration of the new works that are exhibited in this exhibition along with the original artworks. To see the this relationship between the audience’s appreciation of artworks and the artworks, visit Dia.lo.gue artspace! For more information, visit http://www.dialogue-artspace.com.


Bagi Terangmu, 4-8 May 2017, Gudang Sarinah Ekosistem, Jakarta

Held by Komunitas Sa’ae, this event aims to educate the public on people who are vision impaired through workshops, a blindness simulation, exhibition, talkshow and movie screenings. Komunitas Sa’ae has a mission to create inclusive spaces for our vision impaired friends through collaboration with public bodies, as well as educating the public. Admission is by donation of any amount. Komunitas Sa’ae will use the amount donated to fund their future programs. For more information, visit Ruang Rupa’s instagram page here.


Wimba Kala, Now – 15 May 2017, Galeri Nasional Indonesia, Jakarta

Wimba Kala is an exhibition that combines visual arts and archaeology and is held through the collaboration of Galeri Nasional Indonesia, National Archaeology Research Center, Basoeki Abdullah Museum, and the National reserves in Jambi, East Kalimantan, South Sulawesi, North Maluku. The exhibition looks at various research data and sees them from the eye of an artist to create artworks. The exhibition also aims to bring awareness and appreciation to Gambar Cadas, or prehistoric drawings found in various archaeological sites throughout Indonesia. For more information, click here.




Getok Tular 2, Now – 6 May 2017, Omuniuum, Bandung

Come and support local artists and creative workers at Omuniuum’s Getok Tular 2. This exhibition explores the problems of professionals whose works don’t create tangible products. With those workers, how do they maximize their free time? This exhibition showcases artifacts of ideas of different artists and creative workers on how they fill their free time. For more information, visit Omuniuum’s Facebook page here.


Europe on Screen, 5-6 May 2017, Institut Francais Indonesia – Bandung

Europe on Screen is back! This year, the european film festival shows 74 European films from 21 European countries and will be screened at 35 different locations at 5 cities in Indonesia. The screening in Bandung will be on 5 and 6 May. For information on the films and how to get tickets, click here.




Slow Fashion Lab, Now – 12 May 2017, ARK Galerie, Yogyakarta

The Slow Fashion Lab is an exhibition that shares different perspectives by designers, crafters, and researchers, on more sustainable approaches to the fashion industry. The exhibition encourages visitors to select alternatives to the fast fashion industry and encourages them to be involved in the DIY culture. The Fast Fashion culture has a negative impact towards the environment and countries like Indonesia faces severe damages to its ecological microsystem due to unprocessed waste colors and toxic substance. Visit this exhibition and learn ways you can do to support a more sustainable fashion industry. For more information, click here.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events@artsequator.com.

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