OH! Open House

Alfonse Chiu

8 Questions with Alan Oei

As part of ArtsEquator’s interview series profiling artistic directors across the region, we spoke with Alan Oei, AD of The Substation and co-founder and executive director of OH! Open House, on his hopes, his challenges, and how he balances different needs and roles between the two companies. How do you come up with the themes […]

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3 Jimmy Ong, Seamstresses Raffleses, By Mike Lim
Mike Lim

The Artists’ Colony: A Review of OH! Emerald Hill

In the assembly hall of Chatsworth International School hang six statues of Sir Stamford Raffles. However, these aren’t your typical heroic effigies of Singapore’s chief colonist. They’re headless, legless, composed of patchwork fabric with Javanese words stitched into their skins, dangling from the ceiling at odd angles, as if participating in an erotic rope bondage

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