
Cheryl is a multi-disciplinary performance and visual artist based in Singapore, with a background in theatre and performance. She creates experiential and experimental works across various mediums especially inspired by astronomy, astrophysics, spiritual ecology, and the natural world. She also trains in circus arts and acrobatics.

Current artistic and research projects include exploring exploring the concept of Time and all its possibilities on a cosmic scale and the relationship we have with it as human beings, Hawaiian and Polynesian traditions of sea voyages and wayfinding by reading the stars, as well as how personal journeys with spiritual and deep ecology can be expressed through art. Past projects have explored death, trauma, and the afterlife, Southeast Asian folklore and the supernatural, and Buddhist philosophy on mortality and death, temporality, and impermanence.

The Finger Players’ Contemporary Classics Season 2017: “Poop!” and “The Spirits Play”

Poop! by Chong Tze Chien A family left stranded in the aftermath of a father’s seemingly irresponsible, selfish suicide, must learn to navigate its way through the nooks of grief and crannies of letting go and letting be, all whilst holding to semblances of hope through a widow’s grief, a mother’s denial, and the celebration

The Finger Players’ Contemporary Classics Season 2017: “Poop!” and “The Spirits Play” Read More »

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