28 August – 3 September 2017: Indonesia

Top Picks of Indonesia art events in Jakarta and Bali from 28 Aug – 3 Sep 2017




Jakarta Dance Meet Up, 30 August 2017, 7 PM, Gedung Kesenian Jakarta

Organized by the Jakarta Arts Council’s Dance Committee, the Jakarta Dance Meet Up is back for its second time at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. This periodical program is created to facilitate relationships within the Jakarta dance community. The Jakarta Dance Meet Up is also an opportunity for artists to develop and deepen their creations. This second Jakarta Dance Meet Up presents works of 7 choreographers from 5 dance groups. They are: Ali Dance Company, Chiva Production, Namarina Dance Academy, Rafa International Dance School and Sanggar Tari Cipta Budaya. The performance will take place on 30th of August at Gedung Kesenian Jakarta. It is free and is open for all! For more information on the second Jakarta Dance Meet Up, click here.



Malam Anugerah Sayembara Kritik Sastra, 31 August 2017, 5 PM, Galeri Cipta III, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta

Jakarta Art Council’s Literature Critic competition that has been going on in the last couple of months will come to a close with an award night on the 31st of August at Galeri Cipta III – Taman Ismail Marzuki. The panelist for the competition this year consists of A.S. Laksana, Ari Jogaiswara Adipurwawidjana, and Martin Suryajaya. This award night is free and open to all members of public. The night will also feature a performance by music group Backingsoda. For more information on the award night, click here.


Pablo Neruda, Epik Amerika dan Pemikiran Kiri, 2 September 2017, 4 PM, Serambi Salihara

Nobel Prize Winner Pablo Neruda is probably known by younger generation today for his love poems. Praised by many critics as the greatest poet in the Spanish language in his lifetime, Neruda also wrote surrealist poems, historical epics and political manifestos. Neruda was also known for his leftists thinking and political involvement. Join Klub Buku Salihara this week as they discuss Pablo Neruda and his influences through his books One Hundred Love Sonnets and The Book of Questions. To sign up, email daftar@salihara.org. To learn more about this book club, click here.



Cermin Kita: Dari Ende Hingga Solino, 30 – 31 August 2017, 6 PM, Bentara Budaya Bali, Bali

Sinema Bentara Bali returns at the end of this month. Titled Cermin Kita: Dari Ende Hingga Solino, the cinema presents various films with themes of nationalism and stories that share about openness, humanity, and universal love. They are Soekarno: Ketika Bung di Ende (Indonesia), Oom Pasikom (Indonesia), My Sweet Pepper Land (France), Solino (Germany). To learn more about Cermin Kita and the various films, click here.


Coming Home: Revelation of Nature, Now – 27 September 2017, Komaneka Fine Art Gallery, Bali

The fourth edition of Komaneka Fine Art Gallery’s Coming Home titled Revelation of Nature features the work of I Nengah Sujena. The Coming Home series feature artists who started their journey with Komaneka gallery back in the 1990s and 2000s. Their returns to exhibit their works in the gallery are in a sense a homecoming – a return to their roots. I Nengah Sujena’s paintings articulate the revelation of nature and convey critical awareness of the relationship between human and nature. They serve as reminders to live in harmony with nature. To learn more about the exhibition, visit http://gallery.komaneka.com.



Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events[at]artsequator.com.

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