11 – 17 December 2017: Indonesia

Top Picks of Indonesia art events in Jakarta and Yogyakarta from 11 – 17 December 2017



Alur Bunyi – Indra Perkasa, 14 December 2017, 8 PM, Goethehaus, Jakarta

Alur Bunyi is Goethe Institut’s musical series under its Listening Differently performance series. Alur Bunyi presents performances that juxtapose electronic music against other genres of music from some of Indonesia’s best musicians. The idea is to provide an anti-mainstream musical experience. This month’s edition of Alur Bunyi features musician Indra Perkasa supported by Aksan Sjuman, Enrico Octaviano and Ranya Badudu. The performance is FREE and does not require a reservation. For more information on Alur Bunyi, click here.


Bongkar Brankas, Now – 20 December 2017, Kineforum, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta

Money and wealth have been a source of aspiration, as well as misery. The role of money and wealth also change along a person’s life journey. Often times, money becomes means to live. Then, a certain sum of money becomes a goal, which can turn into further and bigger temptations. And if one is not careful, it becomes a source of anguish. With the Bongkar Brankas series, Kineforum invites you to watch 14 feature films, 1 short films compilation and some discussions on films where wealth played a part in shaping human’s lives and relationships. To view the lists of films and its schedule, visit kineforum.org, or click here.



The Delta Piano Trio, 13 December 2017, 7:30 PM, Erasmus Huis, Jakarta

Classical Music Lovers, don’t miss this special performance by one of the most exciting and promising Dutch ensembles, The Delta Piano Trio. The trio is made up of violinist Gerard Sponk, cellist Irene Enzlin, and pianist Vera Kooper, who approach chamber music as a form of communication and exchange of ideas that might lead to an evolution. They will present their eclectic choice of repertoire on 13 December 2017 at 7:30 PM at Erasmus Huis Jakarta. Admission is FREE and no reservation is required. For more information on the performance, visit the Erasmus Huis Jakarta’s facebook page.




Prenjak, 14 December2017, 7 PM, Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta.

Presented by Studio Taksu and directed by Djarot B Darsono, Burung-burung Prenjak is a dance performance that tells a story of a noble that lives alone and accompanied by birds. The chirps of the birds seems to bring news and hope that someone will one day visit her. Burung-burung Prenjak explores a Javanese fortune-telling knowledge known as “ngelmu titen” where people interpret the behaviours of the Prenjak birds to foretell good or bad news. Through the performance and the narrative, Prenjak also invites the audience to reflect our relationships with the environment and our surrounding nature and how a change in environment could have an impact to the way we live. Prenjak is performed at Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta on 14 of December 2017 at 7 PM. For more information, click here.


Pameran Seni Rupa Tradisional – Wayang-wayang Kertas, 15 – 23 December 2017, Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta

Exhibition Opening on 15 December 2017 at 7:30 PM

Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see original Wayang drawings from the Almanak Jawi books published between the year 1920 and 1942. The Almanak Jawi book is one of the few books published for the locals during the Dutch colonisation that featured Wayang stories. The Wayang drawings on these stories were quite important as they were printed in colors in an era of black and white printing and colour prints were very rare. The decision to colour the Wayang drawings shows the importance of these drawings to the people back then. For more information on the exhibition, click here.


Note: All information is correct at the time of publication. Please confirm directly with the organisers/event websites. ArtsEquator is not responsible for any changes to the schedule of events. If you have an event you’d like us to highlight, please email events[at]artsequator.com.

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