BMSG FES’22 (Online)


BMSG FES was organized in Japan to celebrate the group's 2nd year anniversary highlighting the remarkable achievements and performances by supergroup BE:FIRST as well as artists including CEO of BMSG and renowned rapper SKY-HI, Novel Core, Aile The Shota, edhiii boi. Each of them showcases their individual style allowing listeners and viewers to witness their […]


Submissions for Buddhist Art Meditations (BAM) Journal – Theme: SELF and NON-SELF


BAM (Buddhist Art Meditations) is an online journal for exchanging ideas on connections between creative and Buddhist practice. It mainly showcases original, personal, creative interpretations of “Buddhist Art” from artists from all over the world. Issue 2 was recently launched here: For issue 3, we are looking for artworks and creative writing submissions with […]

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