Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  1. This Fellowship is open to citizens and permanent residents of the following countries: Brunei, Cambodia, Timor-Leste, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.
  2. Successful applicants must be based in and active in their own country at the period of the Fellowship.
  3. Applicants will be applying as an individual, not under a company or an organization.
  4. Applicants who hold employment elsewhere must demonstrate that they will be able to meet the deliverables of the Fellowship.
  5. Applicants must not receive other payments or grants for the content produced under the ArtsEquator Fellowship.
  6. The Fellowship is for mid-career writers in the arts with the following criteria:
    1. Applicants have at least 5 years of actively writing in the arts in any Southeast Asian country.
    2. Applicants have a proven track record. Applicants must have written criticism, reviews, essays related to arts practice, and/or other content formats such as podcast, radio, video etc, in a sustained manner for media space such as print, online publications, blogs, journals, etc.
    3. Applicants must have an existing channel to publish, circulate and distribute the Fellowship content – via existing websites, news portals, own social media accounts, substack, newsletter, blog, podcast channel or video channel that reaches their local community.
  7. Applicants should demonstrate interest in and responsibility towards the arts community of applicant’s own country and have a track record of contributing to it.
  8. Applicants should have the ability to provide social and historical context to his/her/their work and when discussing art works.
  9. Applicants have the ability to work independently and keep to assigned deadlines.
  10. Applicants must be comfortable communicating in English for the purpose of the Fellowship.
  11. Applicants who have applied previously but not selected, can apply again with a new project. Fellows who have been selected before cannot apply again.

Fellowship Project & Schedule

  1. Fellows must be fully committed to the Fellowship. Applicants must commit to the timeline agreed upon.
  2. Your deliverables/output will be made up of:
    • 5 x reviews of art works based in Fellow’s own country or the region. The content may be in the form of written work, interviews, essays (800 – 2000 words), infographics, podcasts, or short videos. The reviews can be focused on current or past works, outlining the work of one or multiple artists/company or a movement. The set of reviews proposed should make sense holistically, building up to the main written work. Applicants are encouraged to propose a framework and outline of their project.
    • 1 x main written work – a 3,000-5,000 word essay or article that has been researched during this period. The topic of the written essay/article must engage with aspects of local or regional arts and/or culture. This should tie in with the reviews.
    • Participate in 2-3 online Fellowship discussions – individual or in groups – to share learnings related to the Fellowship project, local arts landscape and content creation.
  3. Submitted works should take an analytical approach, offering insight and context, not just provide quick summaries. Proposed project should not include reviews or writing of any work or projects that the Fellow has been involved in.
  4. Applicants have the option of creating and publishing content in their home country language if they wish. However, Fellows must provide ArtsEquator with an English-language summary of the content for reporting purposes. . Fellows can also choose to publish their content in English and another language, but no additional funding is provided for translation.
  5. Applicants must propose a delivery schedule of when each review and essay/article will be published. Note that all six (6) works (articles, podcast, video, essay etc) must be completed, and published by 20 Dec 2024.
  6. Fellows must acknowledge that content created was completed under the ArtsEquator Fellowship.
  7. Fellows must indicate where these will be published/distributed during the Fellowship period. The publishing platforms can be in the form of a news website, blog, video platforms (Eg: Vimeo, YouTube), podcast platforms and/or social media. Publishing platforms should agree to acknowledge that the Fellow’s work is produced as part of the Fellowship and create a link to the ArtsEquator Fellowship page.
  8. Fellows are expected to be available for publicity and promotional purposes if any. Fellows must participate in up to two Fellowship related public events (if any) organised by ArtsEquator during or after the end of the Fellowship period such as interviews, podcast etc.
  9. ArtsEquator will be sharing selected works that are completed by the Fellows on our website and/or social media platforms.
  10. Fellowship stipend will be made in two (2) payments.
  11. ArtsEquator reserves the right to stop support of incomplete projects and failure to fulfil project deliverables.

Submission Guidelines

  1. Application forms and materials must be submitted in English.
  2. Applicant can only apply with the same proposal once. Future applications must not have the same project proposal.
  3. Applicant can only apply once per cycle.
  4. There is no fee to apply.
  5. Applications are sent by email and an acknowledgement receipt will be sent.
  6. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
  7. Applicant may be contacted for an interview or additional information during the selection period.

Submission Materials

  1. Application form with the official Fellowship project proposal form which you can download from our website.
  2. 3 min or less video introduction: Tell us about yourself, your project and your engagement with the arts community in your country and/or the region.
  3. Applicant’s CV (not exceeding 3 pages).
  4. 2 x sample of published writing works (articles or essays) in English. Non-English articles must be accompanied by English translation or summary.
  5. 1 sample unpublished written work of at least 300 words in English. Please label your document “unpublished”.
  6. Additional materials if any: (a) Up to 3 x Links to arts reviews or other related content done by the applicant that have been presented on media platforms such as podcasts, video platforms, television, social media etc. Non-English content must be accompanied by English translation or summary. (b) Letters of interest or confirmation emails from publishing platforms.
  7. 2 x recommendation letters that share the applicant’s strengths, professional abilities, work ethics, and care for the community. The letters act as a personal endorsement to the candidate. Referees must have worked with the candidate before. Letters must be written in English and include contact information.

How to Apply

The ArtsEquator Fellowship application form with information of submission materials is available at www.artsequator.com

Notification of Fellowship results

All applicants will be contacted in June 2024 if successful and must reply to accept the Fellowship.

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