
Alliance Française 1 Sarkies Road Singapore 258130

‘Maha Alayam' means great temple. According to the philosophy Sanatana Dharma, the human body is considered a temple within which the 'Jiva' or soul resides. Within this body the five sheaths or Panchakosha is encapsulated. The Panchakosha is a philosophy in yoga that refers to the five layers of awareness through which all human experience […]


Dramaturgs &: In conversation with Choreographers

Rehearsal Studio, 42 Waterloo Street 42 Waterloo Street, Singapore

DRAMATURGS & is a capsule series of roundtable conversations centering the work of and relationship between dramaturgs and their artistic collaborators. Dramaturgical thinking and application is integral in the work of all artists, yet a dramaturg’s role affords a dedicated lens that can expand and challenge artistic decisions. In cosy and candid sessions, we aim to […]

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